Fighting Mad
Cast & Crew
Sam Newfield
James Newill
Sally Blane
Benny Rubin
Dave O'brien
Milburn Stone
Film Details
Technical Specs

Ann Fenwick, a witness to a bank robbery, is abducted by the robbers and spirited across the border to Canada. There, the thieves, Trigger and Leon, steal a car and trailer from Benny, the owner of a trading post, and lock Ann in the trailer along with the money. When the trailer breaks away from the car and plunges into a lake, Ann is rescued by Sgt. Renfrew and Constable Kelly of the North West Mounted Police. Because she is wanted in conjunction with the bank robbery, Ann gives them a fake name and pretends to be a tourist. Kelly, however, is suspicious of Ann's alias, a suspicion that is confirmed when he learns of Benny's stolen trailer and realizes he has seen Ann's face on a wanted poster. Before Kelly can arrest Ann, she runs away and hides the money in Benny's cabin. Meanwhile, Cardigan, the leader of the gang whose headquarters are at Frenchy's Lodge, orders Trigger, Leon and Frenchy's Indian guide, Wolf, to recover the stolen loot and recapture Ann. Wolf tracks her to Benny's cabin, where Renfrew arrives just in time to see Wolf and the others force Ann into their waiting boat. Renfrew follows them to the lodge and is captured by Caridgan's men, and under threat of death, Ann agrees to lead the robbers to the money if they will release the Mountie. Before Ann can keep her part of the bargain, however, Kelly finds Renfrew and frees him. In the ensuing fight, the Mounties arrest the bank robbers, and Ann is cleared of any involvement in the crime. As Ann prepares to return to the United States as a material witness, Renfrew declares his love for her in song.

Sam Newfield
James Newill
Sally Blane

Benny Rubin

Dave O'brien

Milburn Stone
Walter Long
Warner Richmond
Ted Adams
Chief Thunder Cloud
Ole Olsen
Horace Murphy

Film Details
Technical Specs

For additional information about the series, consult the Series Index and see entry above for Renfrew of the Royal Mounted.