Doctor Syn
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Roy William Neill
George Arliss
Margaret Lockwood
John Loder
Roy Emerton
Graham Moffatt
Film Details
Technical Specs

Clegg is a ruthless pirate, who once mutilated a man, then left him in the wilderness to starve for ravishing Clegg's wife. Twenty years later, Clegg is know as Doctor Syn, a priest and the pillar of a small coastal village that he oversees. Syn still heads his old gang of pirates, now working as smugglers, but they now use their ill-gotten gains for the betterment of their coastal community.

Roy William Neill

George Arliss

Margaret Lockwood

John Loder
Roy Emerton
Graham Moffatt
Frederick Burtwell
George Merritt
Athole Stewart
Wilson Coleman
Wally Patch

Film Details
Technical Specs

This film was released in Great Britain by General Film Distributors. Modern sources include Assoc dir Maude Howell, Editing Alfred Roome, Sound A. Cameron and Design Vetchinsky in the production.