Doughnuts and Society
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Lewis D. Collins
Louise Fazenda
Maude Eburne
Ann Rutherford
Eddie Nugent
Hedda Hopper
Film Details
Technical Specs

At the Totem Coffee Shop, owners Belle Dugan and Kate Flannagan argue about Belle's half-baked plans to enter high society. While Kate is disgusted by this ambition, her son Jerry Flannagan and his sweetheart, Joan Dugan, Belle's daughter, are amused. One day, a woman named Miss Bradley, a representative of a gold mining company, buys Belle's Klondike holdings for $50,000, including royalties should the veins prove productive. Now Belle's ambition becomes a reality and she asks the Flannagans to give up the doughnut shop and come to live with her and Joan in a huge mansion. Far from grateful, Kate is upset by the proposal and the two have a parting of the ways. With Belle now gone, Jerry is forced to give up his job at a nearby parking station to help run the shop, while Belle sets about crashing society. She plans a big party and Joan convinces the Flannagans to attend. Things are patched up between the mothers until Kate chases a dog who has stolen her shoe and disrupts the party. Belle is humiliated by Kate's behavior, and the two are at odds once again. Some time later, after Kate bakes a huge cake that inspires them that many-storied parking garages are possible, the Flannagans build a large parking garage and name it the Flannagan Super-Station. The business flourishes and they, too, become rich. To celebrate their success, they stage a lawn reception at their new mansion and the Dugans bring their friend Ivan Petroff, a pseudo-prince, to the party. Belle then spoils the party by accidentally turning the water sprinklers on and spraying the guests with water. Through the conniving of one of the garage's employees, a series of auto crashes occurs in the parking station. The Flannagans are warned by the authorities that one more incident will close the garage, and after the employee orchestrates another accident, which results in her own death, the business is ruined. Now that Jerry is no longer respectable, Belle arranges for Joan to marry Ivan. At the wedding ceremony, however, the Flannagans rush in with Bradley to inform Belle that there will be no royalties as the Klondike veins were barren. Ivan, who had only been interested in Joan's money, then makes excuses to extricate himself from the wedding party. Reduced to their former condition, Kate and Belle return to the Totem and become friends again, while Jerry and Joan get engaged.

Lewis D. Collins

Louise Fazenda

Maude Eburne

Ann Rutherford

Eddie Nugent

Hedda Hopper

Franklin Pangborn
Rafael Corio
Harold Minjir
Olaf Hytten
Robert Light
Claudelle Kaye

Smiley Burnette

Film Details
Technical Specs