Danger Street
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Lew Landers
Jane Withers
Robert Lowery
Bill Edwards
Elaine Riley
Audrey Young
Film Details
Technical Specs

Pat Marvin and her boyfriend, Larry Burke, the ambitious photographer and editor of Flick magazine, head a group of employees who cooperativly buy it from their staid publisher, J. B. Turlock, and plan to make the magazine more profitable through sensationalism. For their first issue, Pat and Larry attempt to photograph camera-shy heiress Cynthia Van Loan, who was orphaned at age sixteen and is worth fifty million dollars. At her upcoming twenty-first birthday, Cynthia will be announcing her engagement to fortune-hunter Carl Pauling. Pat and Larry go undercover as household servants, and at the party, Larry takes a compromising picture of Pauling and a woman. Larry is caught and chased off the premises, and when a guard finds his camera labeled property of "Flick," Pauling knows who is responsible. After Larry and Pat develop the film, they discover that the woman in the picture is not Cynthia. Pauling offers to pay Larry for the negative, but he has sold it to newspaper editor Jack Withers. Larry needs money to cover for the Flick accountant who came up with the cash to finalize the deal with Turlock by "borrowing" it for a few days from company funds. Because Turlock is requiring an audit before the deal goes through, Larry desperately needs to replace the money before its misappropriation is revealed. Later, Pat and Larry find Withers murdered, and Larry investigates Pauling and learns that he is broke. Pat and Larry then return to the Van Loan house, and Larry rigs a camera to take snapshots in the estate cottage. Meanwhile, Cynthia's childhood sweetheart, Sandy Evans, catches Pauling kissing the wife of Charles Johnson, the Van Loan accountant. Sandy fights Pauling, but after Cynthia arrives and accuses Sandy of acting out a childish jealousy, he refrains from telling her that Pauling is two-timing her. Pauling later kicks Larry and Pat out of the house and confiscates their film. After Larry catches Pauling burning their negatives in the cottage, he slugs him and accuses him of Withers' murder. Pat, meanwhile, absconds with Pauling's gun and goes to the police. As Larry is about to confess to Turlock the story of the well-meaning "embezzlement" from petty cash, Pat enters and announces that Pauling's gun is the same weapon that killed Withers. Larry and Pat return to the Van Loan estate to apprehend Pauling, but he has already telephoned the police. Larry, hearing a gunshot in the cottage, enters it and finds Pauling dead. The police then catch Larry holding the gun and accuse him of the murder. Before he is arrested, Larry reveals that the photograph for which Withers was killed showed Pauling in a "clinch with a dame." Pat, meanwhile, has found the house cook, Veronica, wearing the same dress as the unidentified woman in the photograph and asks the police to give her thirty minutes to find the real killer. Half-an-hour later, Pat announces that she has the camera that was rigged to the cottage door and will develop the negatives while the police and suspects wait. In the dark, a gun goes off, puncturing the negative; Pat was only goading the killer, however, the real film is still intact. As Pat is about to announce the name of the killer, Johnson confesses that Cynthia's guardian, Matthews, was using him to extort money from her estate and arranged Cynthia's marriage to Pauling. Matthews is arrested, and Cynthia is reconciled with Sandy. Flick then runs a cover story about how Pat and Larry solved the Van Loan murders, and Turlock offers to buy back a half-interest in the magazine.


Lew Landers

Jane Withers

Robert Lowery
Bill Edwards

Elaine Riley
Audrey Young

Lyle Talbot
Charles Quigley

Lucia Carroll

Nina Mae Mckinney

Paul Harvey
Vera Marshe

Roy Gordon
Charles Coleman
Howard A. Anderson
Darrell Calker
Al Greenwood
Benjamin H. Kline
Winston Miller
Winston Miller
Walter Oberst
Howard Pine
William H. Pine
Kae Salkow
Kae Salkow
Maxwell Shane
Earl C. Sitar
Ray Smallwood
Howard Smith
F. Paul Sylos
William Thomas
Philip G. Wisdom

Film Details
Technical Specs

The working title of the film was Over Exposed. A pre-production Hollywood Reporter news item includes Gloria Saunders in the cast, but her appearance in the released film has not been confirmed. Another pre-production news item notes that Irvin Berwick was writing dialogue for the film, but the extent of his contribution to the released film has not been determined. During production, Paramount publicity billed the film as the first in which child star Jane Withers had a "grown-up role"; however, Withers had just completed Republic's Affairs of Geraldine, in which her character gets married.