Bury Me Dead
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Bernard Vorhaus
Cathy O'donnell
June Lockhart
Hugh Beaumont
Mark Daniels
Greg Mcclure
Film Details
Technical Specs

When a diamond necklace and inscribed compact belonging to wealthy heiress Barbara Carlin are found in the burnt remains of a stable fire on her estate, she is assumed dead, and a body is buried. Barbara attends her own funeral, however, and returns home to confront her husband Rod, after informing her lawyer, Michael Dunn, that she is still alive. Among those suspected of setting the fire are Rod, who was estranged from Barbara; Rod's mistress, Helen Lawrence; Helen's employer, prizefighter George Mandley, who had been seeing Barbara; and Barbara's younger adopted sister Rusty, who resented Barbara because her adoptive father left her out of his will. Although Rusty is in love with Rod, she dated George before Barbara ended their relationship. As the investigation continues, Rod confesses that Helen was anxious for him to marry her and wanted him to kill Barbara. After it is learned that it was Helen who was killed in the fire, George confesses that he loved Helen and that his interest in Rusty and Barbara was a subterfuge to get Barbara's money. Then Rod discovers that Barbara was dating George just to spite him. After a fight with George, Rod leaves the house and Rusty takes him in. While tending Rod's wounds, Rusty swears her love and confesses that she repeatedly tried to break up Rod and Barbara's marriage. After Rod rejects her advances, she goes to the police to accuse him of the murder. Meanwhile, the lights go out in the house, and Barbara is attacked with a fire iron. The assailant flees before Rod returns to ask Barbara for another chance at their marriage. The police arrive with Rusty and, despite her weak testimony, take Rod in for questioning, leaving Barbara alone with Mike. When Mike tells Barbara that Helen was murdered with a hammer--a fact that has not yet been revealed by the police--she realizes that he is the murderer. Rod, meanwhile, determines that Mike, who handles Barbara's money as well as her insurance policy, had the most concrete motive for the crime, and convinces the police to rescue Barbara. Mike chases Barbara into her bedroom and drenches her bed in kerosene. He is about to strike her when Rusty enters and grabs his gun. Barbara attacks Mike with a pair of scissors, and Rusty fires the gun as the police shoot Mike. Rod comforts Barbara and Rusty. Rusty assures them she has lost her persecution complex, while Barbara agrees to be less domineering and Rod promises to be less selfish.

Bernard Vorhaus

Cathy O'donnell
June Lockhart
Hugh Beaumont
Mark Daniels
Greg Mcclure
Milton Parsons
Virginia Farmer
Sonia Darrin
Cliff Clark
John Alton
Dwight V. Babcock
Leon Becker
Emil Cadkin
Alfred Degaetano
Richard Deweese
Karen Dewolf
Irving Friedman
W. Donn Hayes
Edward C. Jewell
William Kernell
Armor Marlowe
Lee Mcdougall
Charles F. Riesner
Robert Stillman
Ben Stoloff
George J. Teague
Tom Tuttle
Henry West
Ern Westmore

Film Details
Technical Specs

The Chase/Bury Me Dead - Film Noir B-Movie Double Feature
Now, all that being said, what of the movies themselves?
The Chase, an obscure, forgotten film, turns out to be a lesser noir, but it nonetheless boasts an intriguing dreamlike atmosphere with expressionistic photography from Franz Planer. Robert Cummings stars as a WWII vet who falls into a job as chauffeur for gangster Steve Cochran and henchman Peter Lorre. Cochran turns out to have an unhappy and unfaithful wife (Michele Morgan), whom Cummings, in classic noir tradition, promptly falls for and plans to run away with. From there the plot takes on surprising twists. Cochran almost steals the show (the scene where he is brutal to his manicurist is memorably nasty), but it is the pictorialism and a few original story elements which lift this movie above the average. The most bizarre of these is a James Bond-like backseat accelerator in Cochran's car that must be seen to be believed! Another sequence involving an attack dog in a wine cellar is an imaginative and spooky idea carried out to only moderate effect. In the hands of a stronger director it could have been a real winner.
Even so, director Arthur Ripley does have something of a cult following. He began as a cinematographer in the 1910s and then found success as a gag writer for Mack Sennett in the 1920s, working alongside Frank Capra. Later Ripley wrote two of Capra's silent features. In the 1930s he added directing to his resume and years later he retired to become UCLA's first film professor, significantly shaping what was to become a leading U.S. film school.
The screenplay for The Chase was by Philip Yordan from a Cornell Woolrich novel called The Black Path of Fear. Woolrich was a major name in film noir, with eleven stories adapted into movies over the years. Yordan was an equally important noir writer and would soon begin a long association with director Anthony Mann, writing other noirs like Reign of Terror, westerns like The Man From Laramie, the combat film Men in War, and the epic El Cid.
Bury Me Dead begins with June Lockhart showing up at her own funeral, incognito. Thinking that someone attempted to murder her, she begins to investigate who was really killed and who the murderer is. The suspects parade by - her estranged husband, her lawyer, her younger sister, her romantic rival, her boxer boyfriend, her butler and housekeeper. One by one they react with shock to the fact that Lockhart is alive, and one by one they share their stories via flashback. The audience is inundated with red herrings.
It sounds like a cheap knockoff of Laura, and in some ways it is, but Bury Me Dead also attempts something different. It's a whodunnit, but it mixes in slapstick humor throughout the story, resulting in an odd brew indeed. While it's true, as Jay Fenton points out on his commentary track, that the comedy makes it harder for the audience to guess whodunnit (since we're not likely to suspect characters who make us laugh), it also creates a movie of uneven tone and stilted performances.
It also makes it quite a stretch to label Bury Me Dead a "film noir." It has atmospheric noir-ish lighting, by the great John Alton no less, but it lacks the feelings of dread, paranoia and despair that define the true noir style. (The Chase is much more a noir.) The flashback structure which lends an air of fatalism to many great noirs here merely keeps a mysterious story engaging. The director, Bernard Vorhaus, was an interesting fellow. An American who found most of his success in England and was blacklisted in the 1950s, he was a mentor to David Lean, who called him his biggest influence. In Hollywood, Vorhaus followed up Bury Me Dead with the superb The Spiritualist (1948), also known as The Amazing Mr. X, again working with John Alton and resulting in a remarkably gorgeous picture. It's too bad that there isn't a better print available for Bury Me Dead - watching a lousy print of an Alton film is practically torture. Still, it gives a taste of his artistry, which is better than nothing at all.
VCI Entertainment's DVD of this double feature is a mixed bag. On the one hand, it comes with a decent amount of extras - commentaries, actor biographies, trailers, a poster gallery and a fun 1942 color Superman cartoon. On the other hand, the prints and soundtracks leave much to be desired, and the menus are irritatingly slow to load. Overall, the DVD is worth it for a look at two B obscurities with some unique things going for them.
For more information about The Chase/Bury Me Dead, visit VCI Entertainment.
by Jeremy Arnold

The Chase/Bury Me Dead - Film Noir B-Movie Double Feature
The radio play Bury Me Dead was broadcast twice over NBC as part of the Molle Mystery Theater. In the 1946 broadcast, Claudia Morgan played "Barbara Carlin" and Clayton Collyer was cast as her husband. In the July 11, 1947 broadcast, Ann Burr played Barbara and Clayton Collyer reprised the role of Rodney. In February 1947, Hollywood Reporter announced that Una Merkel was to star in this film and Leonard S. Picker was to produce it.