The Bold Frontiersman
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Philip Ford
Allan "rocky" Lane
Black Jack
Eddy Waller
Roy Barcroft
John Alvin
Film Details
Technical Specs

Out on the range, Allan "Rocky" Lane prevents two bandits from robbing Sheriff Nugget Clark of money collected for the Cimarron Flats water fund. Later, in Cimarron Flats, Rocky announces that his employer, Atlas Drilling Company, will soon begin building an aqueduct for the town. At Smiling Jim's saloon, Jim plays cards with Don Post and threatens to tell Don's father, Adam, who manages the water fund, about his gambling debts if he does not pay. Outside the saloon, Nugget offers Don $300 in gold coins to pay off his debts and asks him to deliver the fund money to Adam. Jim's men ambush Don and Rocky on their way to Adam's house, but they arrive safely and place the money inside Adam's safe. When Don accidentally drops his bag of coins, Adam thinks that it is a donation for the fund, then takes the coins and gives Don a chiming watch for his twenty-first birthday. That night, Don retrieves his money and loses it to Jim in a card game. When his watch chimes, Don decides to stake it and loses it, too. The next day, Jim tells Morton Harris, the director of the water project, that Don had stolen the coins from the water fund. Harris then tells Adam, who is saddened by the news. Later that evening, Jim breaks into Adam's house and knocks him to the floor. As Jim steals from the fund, Don's watch chimes and Adam thinks that his son is the thief. After Don is arrested for robbery, he confesses in order to protect his father from accusations, and Nugget is forced to arrest him. At Jim's saloon, Rocky demands that Jim turn over the watch, but his henchmen throw him out. At the jail, just as Jim's henchmen knock Nugget unconscious and threaten to kill Don, Rocky comes to the rescue. He and Don escape and Don hides in a shack behind his father's house. Meanwhile, Rocky returns to town and finds a drinking glass that when struck, sounds like the chiming watch, when struck. He and Nugget break into Jim's with the glass. When Jim hears the glass struck, he goes to his safe to make sure the watch is still there, revealing himself as the man who robbed Adam. Jim and his men tie up Rocky and Nugget, but the pair cuts their ropes with pieces of the broken drinking glass. After Don returns to town, he is arrested as an escaped convict. Rocky shoots Jim and rushes to the gallows to save Don from hanging. After Don is reunited with Adam and the charges against him are dropped, Rocky and Nugget say good-bye to them.

Philip Ford
Allan "rocky" Lane
Black Jack
Eddy Waller

Roy Barcroft

John Alvin
Francis Mcdonald
Fred Graham
Edward Cassidy
Edmund Cobb
Harold Goodwin
Jack Kirk
Ken Terrell
Marshall Reed
Al Murphy
Victor B. Appel
Ben Bishop
Joe Dill
Mort Glickman
Peggy Gray
Frank Hotaling
Gordon Kay
Don Keyes
Herb Kirkpatrick
Howard Lydecker
Theodore Lydecker
Bob Mark
John Mccarthy Jr.
Ernest Miller
Adele Palmer
Arthur Roberts
Howard Smit
Charles Thompson
Robert Walker
Bob Williams

Film Details
Technical Specs

The working title for the film was Cimarron Trails.