Beyond the Pecos

58m 1945

Brief Synopsis

Oil is discovered on the ranch lands causing the dormant Remington-Randall feud to break out again. Lew Remington (Rod Cameron) returns home to find himself embroiled in the struggle. The Randall faction is represented by Bob Randall (Eddie Dew), who is the unwitting tool of John Heydrick (Gene Roth) and his henchmen who have a vested interest in and gains to be made if the feud continues . Both Bob and Lew are in love with Ellen Tanner...

Film Details

Release Date
Apr 27, 1945
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Universal Pictures Company, Inc.
Distribution Company
Universal Pictures Company, Inc.
United States

Technical Specs

Black and White
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
1.37 : 1


Lew Remington is called home to Mesa City when the range war between his family and the Randall family flares up once again. As he rides to his father Ed's ranch, Lew is nearly killed by hired guns working for landscape painter John Heydrick, and he only escapes death by pretending to be dead after falling off his horse. Lew soon makes friends with Capt. Barnacle Pete Finnegan, an ex-sailor now making his living selling fake mineral waters, who offers him a ride into Mesa City. Arriving in town, Lew meets with his old friend, saloon owner Dan Muncie, who tells him that Ellen Tanner, his former girl friend, did not marry his rival, Bob Randall, after he left Mesa City in a futile attempt to end the Remington-Randall feud. Upon arriving home, Lew learns that the family homestead is in dire financial straights, as their old friend and lawyer, Ord Tanner, Ellen's uncle, has called in his note. Later, Lew captures Keno Hawkins, one of the men who earlier attacked him, but before the hired gun can confess all, he is killed. Meanwhile, Ord has a change of heart and attempts to end his association with the crooked Heydrick, but the painter first forces the lawyer to sign over his note on the Remington ranch. Later, Lew attempts to question Ord, but the lawyer drops dead before he can tell all. Lew is then falsely accused of poisoning Ord and is forced to make a hasty escape from the Happy Day saloon. Lew soon surmises that Heydrick is the real culprit behind Keno's and Ord's deaths, and with Barnacle's help, he discovers that there is a rich oil deposit on his father's ranch, which Heydrick has been plotting to obtain. While searching Heydrick's home, Lew and Barnacle find the poison that killed Ord, and they take the pitcher used in the murder to the coroner's inquest. Lew then uses the pitcher to trick Steve Grenfels, one of Heydrick's men, into confessing his boss's involvement in Ord's murder. Heydrick and his men make their own hasty retreat from the Happy Day, but are soon captured by Lew, Bob and their men.

Film Details

Release Date
Apr 27, 1945
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Universal Pictures Company, Inc.
Distribution Company
Universal Pictures Company, Inc.
United States

Technical Specs

Black and White
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
1.37 : 1




Modern sources include Jim Thorpe, William Desmond, Herman Hack and Artie Ortego in the cast.