Agnes Of God

Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Norman Jewison
Jane Fonda
Anne Bancroft
Meg Tilly
Anne Pitoniak
Winston Rekert
Film Details
Technical Specs
When a young nun is found to have given birth and then has killed the infant, a court appointed psychiatrist is sent to the convent to dtermine whether the young nun is fit to stand trial. However, the psychiatrist finds herself at odds with a strong-willed mother superior.

Norman Jewison

Jane Fonda

Anne Bancroft
Meg Tilly
Anne Pitoniak
Winston Rekert
Gratien Gelinas
Guy Hoffman
Gabriel Arcand
Francoise Faucher
Jacques Tourangeau
Janine Fluet
Deborah Grover
Michele George
Samantha Langevin
Jacqueline Blais
Francoise Berd
Mimi D'estee
Rita Tuckett
Lillian Graham
Norma Dell'agnese
Muguette Moreau
Janice Bryan
France Arbour
Laurel Lyle
Victor Desy
Andre Lacoste
Renee Girard
Laurel Bresnahan
Agnes Middleton
Charlotte Laurier
Peter Langley
Nicole Marie Abbat
Matthew Armstrong
Chava Mandlsohn
Charles S Pottie, S.j.
Gerry Huckstep
Marc Denis
Herbert G. Luft
Jennifer Jewison
Carole Chatel
Daniel Tremblay
Ken Adam
Fabienne April
Renee April
Jeff Authors
David Bailey
John Board
Daniel R Bradette
Steven Brill
Ann Brodie
Ursula Brooke
J Tracy Budd
Jan A Campbell
Eve Cantor
Mary Canty
Dougal Caron
Rachelle Charron
Robin Chaykin
Alison Clark
Dan Conley
Christopher Cook
David Crone
Tony Currie
Holly Dale
Susanna David
Georges Delerue
Jaro Dick
Theo Dimson
Atilla Dory
Attila Dory
Bonnie Finnegan
Martin Freedman
Ralph Gerling
Anthony Gibbs
Justis Greene
Austin Grimaldi
Joe Grimaldi
Rolf Harvey
Karen Hazzard
Madeline Henrie
Herb Heritage
Richard Huggins
Stuart Hughes
Kevin Jewison
Michael Jewison
Norman Jewison
Debi Karolewski
Grant Kelly
Candace Koethe
Lou Kramer
Sharon Lackie
Bruce Lang
Paul Leblanc
Gary Liddiard
Richard Lightstone
Andy Malcolm
Barbra Matis
Sandra Mikitenko
Charles Milhaupt
Brian Montague
Sven Nykvist
Sven Nykvist
Michael O'farrell
Bonnie Palef
Patrick Palmer
Ginette Pare
Hayward Parrott
John Pielmeier
John Pielmeier
Bill Pryde
Gretchen Rennell
Richard Reseigne
Valley Via Reseigne
Carrie Robbins
Helene Robitaille
Arthur Rowsell
Carol Spier
Richard Stone
Shin Sugino
Randal Tambling
Frank Teunissen
Ron Thiessen
Peter Thillaye
Rae Thurston
Line Tremblay
Guy Trinque
Tom Udell
Kenneth Waissman
Sandy Webb
Joanne Wetzel
Don White
Nancy Willen
Movie Clip

Hosted Intro
Film Details
Technical Specs
Award Nominations
Best Actress
Best Score
Best Supporting Actress
Agnes of God
Agnes of God began as a play by John Pielmeier, who also wrote the screenplay. It opened on Broadway in 1982 and starred Geraldine Page as the Mother Superior, Elizabeth Ashley as the psychiatrist, and Amanda Plummer as Sister Agnes, who won a Tony award for her highly praised performance.
Norman Jewison was already familiar with the play before it hit Broadway. He thought it was "brilliant" and that writer John Peilmeier was "one of the really talented young playwrights in New York." When he decided to make the film, he already had Jane Fonda in mind to play Dr. Livingston and hired her right away. "Jane Fonda would be fabulous," he told then Columbia Pictures president Guy McElwaine. "She is strong-willed, no-nonsense, a great star."
When the word got out that he was casting for Agnes of God, Jewison received a phone call from actress Anne Bancroft telling him that she wanted to play the Mother Superior character. "When I said I'd get back to her," recalls Jewison in his autobiography, "she persisted: 'I'm married to a director, I know that none of you know how to make up your minds. I'm going to help you with the decision.'" He told her that she was too young and beautiful for the part. "For me," he told Bancroft, "you'll always be Mrs. Robinson. You're sexy, sensual...I don't see you as a Mother Superior, Anne." To that, Bancroft hung up the phone and told him that she was coming over to his office right that minute.
"Twenty minutes later," says Jewison, "Anne Bancroft swept in, pulled up a chair, sat down, leaned across, looked me in the eye, and said, 'So this is Mrs. Robinson? Look at these lines. Look at me.' She wore no makeup, she was pale, there were dark half-moons under her eyes." Jewison, who happened to have a nun's habit costume in his office, asked her to put it on. "So there we were, five minutes later, Anne in the wimple and veil, both of us staring into the meanly lighted mirror, her hair and lovely hands covered by the nun's habit," he recalls, "and I realized she would be a superb Mother Miriam Ruth in Agnes of God."
Meg Tilly, who had previously garnered praise for her performance in The Big Chill (1983), was Jewison's choice to play Sister Agnes. Having once compared her screen presence to that of Audrey Hepburn's, Jewison describes Tilly in his autobiography as "a classic beauty and an accomplished actress...She also had the wide-eyed innocence of the young nun...In the courtroom there is a moment of complete pathos where she has lost-not her life-but her mind, and she carried it off more convincingly than anyone else could have done."
The play of Agnes of God had been staged very sparsely with just the three actresses on a blank stage. Jewison, a native Canadian, decided to open the play up for the film and set the action specifically at a convent in Quebec. "The atmosphere in Quebec," he explains, "was steeped in Catholic mysticism; it was a place where miracles were still expected to happen."
Agnes of God was shot entirely on location in Canada during the dead of winter. This appealed to Jewison because it gave him the chance to not only be on his home turf, but also to use a Canadian crew and have his wife and three children nearby as well. The former Rockwood Academy for Boys in Ontario was transformed by Production Designer Ken Adam into the convent. Longtime Ingmar Bergman cinematographer Sven Nykvist photographed the film, capturing some gorgeous images of the bleak Canadian winter that provides a stunning backdrop to the compelling drama.
Reviews at the time were generally positive, with praise heaped on Bancroft, Fonda and Tilly for their strong work in three very different and demanding parts. "Bancroft gives a generally highly engaging performance as a religious woman too knowledgeable to be one-upped by even the craftiest layman," said Variety. "Tilly is angelically beautiful as the troubled youngster and brings a convincing innocence and sincerity to the role that would be hard to match." Time magazine said, "All three stars do smart, honorable work: Tilly, her childlike faith traumatized by the rude stirrings of womanhood; Fonda, the reluctant exorcist fiercely questioning her old God and, no less, herself; and Bancroft, a strict but up-to-date nun, with reserves of iron and irony." Bancroft and Tilly both received Academy Award nominations for their work, as did Georges Delerue for his haunting musical score.
The gripping mystery of Agnes of God will keep viewers riveted and resonate long after the film is over. For Norman Jewison, the film gave him a chance to explore some deeply personal issues. "I think most people, regardless of their religion, regardless of logic, want to believe in something outside of their everyday lives. Outside of themselves," he says in his autobiography. "Agnes of God gave me the opportunity to explore that timeless human conflict between believing what we can see and believing what we can't see or experience. It seemed to me then, as it does now, that the world is in dire need of angels."
Producers: Norman Jewison, Patrick Palmer
Director: Norman Jewison
Screenplay: John Pielmeier (screenplay and play)
Cinematography: Sven Nykvist
Art Direction: Carol Spier
Music: Georges Delerue
Film Editing: Antony Gibbs
Cast: Jane Fonda (Dr. Martha Livingston), Anne Bancroft (Mother Miriam Ruth), Meg Tilly (Sister Agnes), Anne Pitoniak (Dr. Livingston's mother), Winston Rekert (Detective Langevin), Gratien Gelinas (Father Martineau), Guy Hoffman (Justice Joseph Leveau), Gabriel Arcand (Monsignor), Francoise Faucher (Eve LeClaire).
C-95m. Letterboxed. Closed captioning.
by Andrea Passafiume

Agnes of God
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Summer August 23, 1985
Wide Release in United States September 20, 1985
Began shooting October 27, 1984.
Completed shooting March 14, 1985.
Released in United States Summer August 23, 1985
Wide Release in United States September 20, 1985