Be Kind Rewind
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Michel Gondry
Jon Glaser
David Slotkoff
Yasiin Bey
Karolina Wydra
Parrie Hodges
Film Details
Technical Specs
Jerry is a junkyard worker who attempts to sabotage a power plant that he believes is melting his brain. But when his plan goes awry, the magnetic field that he creates accidentally erases all of the videotapes in a local video store where his best friend Mike works. Fearing that the mishap will cost Mike his job, the two friends team up to keep the store's only loyal customer - a little old lady with a tenuous grasp on reality - from realizing what has happened by recreating and re-filming every movie that she decides to rent. From "Back to the Future," to "Robocop," to "Rush Hour," to "The Lion King," Jerry and Mike become the biggest stars in their neighborhood by starring in the biggest movies ever made.
Michel Gondry
Jon Glaser
David Slotkoff
Yasiin Bey
Karolina Wydra
Parrie Hodges
Walter Helbig
Frank Heins
Tomasz Soltys
Marcus Carl Franklin
Melonie Diaz
Amir Ali Said
Arjay Smith
Victor Dickerson
John Tormey
Blake Hightower
Paul Barman
Quinton Aaron
Gio Perez
Irv Gooch
Heather Lawless
Matt Walsh
August Darnell
Kishu Chand
Frank Girardeau
Paul Dinello

Danny Glover
Guido Decurtis
Allie Woods
P.j. Byrne
Harvey Hogan
Marc Alan Austen
Mckinley Page

Jack Black

Mia Farrow
Basia Rosas
Chandler Parker
Ted Mcelwee
David M Sheppard
Francisco Fabian
Marceline Hugot
Karin Spitzer
Ann Longo

Sigourney Weaver
Nick Aase
Nicole Abellera
Wayne Adams
Raffi Adlan
Rahel Afiley
Larry Alayon
Gina R. Alfano
Stuart Allen
Suzy Mazzarese Allison
Sebastian Almeida
Diaz Alvaro
Purva Amar
Robert Antalocy
Darren Arnaud
Tony Arnaud
Esailama Arty-diouf
Daniel Atherton
Stuart Auld
Henry Avelin
John Bair
Jamie Baker
Lance Bangs
Kashka Banjoko
Cassandra Barbour
Patrick Barile
Paul Barman
Russell Barnes
Julia Barraclough
Ron Baum
Kenny Becker
Ada Benson
Russell J Berg
Matt Berkoski
Georges Bermann
Jean-michel Bernard
Jean-michel Bernard
Jean-michel Bernard
Jean-michel Bernard
Jean-michel Bernard
Ian Bharath
Gwen Bialic
Marc Birch
Jack Black
Debra Blake
Terra Bliss-alvarez
Catherine Bloch
Dan Bora
Anna Bosco
Geoffrey Braden
Fatima Bradley
Katie Brewer-ball
Kelly Britt
Harry Brooks
Jeff R Buchanan
Lauren Buchholz
Julie Van Den Bulck
Scott Burik
Gene Buser
Jeff Butcher
Ronnie Buttacavoli
Robert Calabrese
Matthew Callagy
Aaron Camacho
Maria Camacho
Christine Cantrell
Patrick Capone
Brian Carmichael
Anne Carson
Laurie Cartwright
Hector Castillo
Al Cerullo
Kishu Chand
Jessica Chaney
Dan Chiampa
Kathleen Chopin
Li-wei Chu
Carlos Cibils
Patrick Clancey
Chris Cloud
John Coffey
Linda Cohen
Wendy Cohen
Doug Coleman
Bob Colletti
Madelyn Colon
Dave Corcoran
Jules Cortez
Marko Costanzo
Amelie Couvelaire
Gina M Crane
Joshua Crawford
Lamont Crawford
Andrea Cronin-souza
Steve Cropper
Steve Cropper
Charanga Cubana
Evan Cunningham
Mike Cussack
Mary Cybulski
Jeffrey Czaja
Alison Davis
Eva Davy
Eddie De Lange
Jerry Decarlo
Frank Decurtis
Louise Decurtis
Ed Deveau
Kerwin Devonish
Amy Dholakia
James Donahue
Aaron Dorn
Maureen Duffy
Gordon Dukes
Donald Dunn
Donald Dunn
Marjorie Durand
Mellicent Dyane
Jeff Egan
May Elbaz
Duke Ellington
Johnathan Ellis
Toby Emmerich
Nadia Essid
Scott Ferlisi
Donald Fernicola
William Ferrick
Jim Ferris
Tass Filipos
Ken Finlay
Thomas Tg Firestone
David Fischer
Bruce Fisher
Dan Fisher
Fred Fisher
Amanda Foley
Julie Fong
Winston Foster
Vadim Frumin
Glenn Gardner
François Gauthier
Abbot Genser
Jeffrey Lee Gibson
Elisabeth Giglio
Steve Gil
Kley Gilbuena
Jeanne L Gilliland
Becky Glupczynski
Eileen Godoy
Cindy Gomez
Michel Gondry
Michel Gondry
Michel Gondry
Michel Gondry
Michel Gondry
Roger Graham
Dennis W Greene
Nicholas Grieco
Eddie Griffith
Louis Gropman
Kevin Grzan
Carlos Guerra
A G Guindo
Frederique Gyuran
Cathy Hair
Paul Halligan
Thomas E Halligan
Jeffrey Halls
Alexander Hammer
Craig Harris
Tom Harris
Madeline Hartling
Colt Hausman
Michael Hausman
Sandy Hays
Jay Hendrickx
Edgar Hernandez
Don Hewitt
Eric Hirsch
Moe Holmes
Smokey Hormel
Paul Hsu
Paul Hsu
Tonya Huskey
Peter Hutchinson
Akeo Ihara
Alan Jackson
Teddy Janicki
Nat Jencks
Gregory Jennings
Booker T. Jones
Booker T. Jones
Chris Jordan
Paul Kane
Lisa Kelley
Dennis Kelly
John D Kelly
Frank Kern
Doe Kim
Jon Kim
Jon Kim
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Winter February 22, 2008
Released in United States on Video June 17, 2008
Released in United States January 2008
Released in United States February 2008
Shown at Berlin International Film Festival (Out of Competition) February 7-17, 2008.
Passaic, New Jersey's colorful mayor, former pro-wrestler Samuel Rivera, landed a small speaking part in the film.
Released in United States Winter February 22, 2008
Released in United States on Video June 17, 2008
Released in United States January 2008 (Shown at the Sundance Film Festival (Premieres) January 17-27, 2008.)
Released in United States February 2008 (Shown at Berlin International Film Festival (Out of Competition) February 7-17, 2008.)