The Savages
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Tamara Jenkins
Sandra Daley
Madeline Lee
Timo Elliston
Laura Palmer
Philip Bosco
Film Details
Technical Specs
The last thing the two Savage siblings ever wanted to do was look back at their difficult family history. Having wriggled their way out from beneath their father's domineering thumb, they are now firmly cocooned in their own complicated lives. Wendy is a struggling East Village playwright, AKA a temp who spends her days applying for grants, stealing office supplies and dating her very married neighbor. Jon is a neurotic college professor writing books on obscure subjects in Buffalo. Then comes the call that informs them that the father they have long feared and avoided, Lenny Savage, is slowly being consumed by dementia and they are the only ones that can help. Now, as they put their already arrested lives on hold, Wendy and Jon are forced to live together under one roof for the first time since childhood, rediscovering the eccentricities that drove each other crazy. Faced with complete upheaval and battling over how to handle their father's final days, they are confronted with what adulthood, family and, most surprisingly, each other are really about.
Tamara Jenkins
Sandra Daley
Madeline Lee
Timo Elliston
Laura Palmer
Philip Bosco
Gbenga Akinnagbe
Debra Monk
Debbi Fuhrman
Laura Linney
Cynthia Darlow
Max Jenkins-goetz
Saadi Zain
Peter Frechette

Michael Higgins
Hal Blankenship
Jennifer Lim
Christopher Durham
Lili Liu
Erica Berg
Cara Seymour
Peter Friedman
Salem Ludwig
Kristine Nielsen
David Zayas
Joseph Proscia
Guy Boyd
Margo Martindale
Tonye Patano
Zoe Kazan
Sidne Anderson

Rosemary Murphy
Joan Jaffe

Philip Seymour Hoffman
Carmen Roman
Patti Karr
Sam Gutierrez
Lee Sellars
Maddie Corman
Nancy Lenehan
John Bolton
Tobin Tyler
Marianne Weems
Michael Blackson
Tijuana Ricks
Kit Abate
Nicole Abellera
Nick Adrian
Peter Agliata
Nick Allen
Steve Alterman
Lisa Arbuckle
Tony Arnaud
William Arnot
Mike Aufiero
Stuart Auld
Stefanie Azpiazu
Randall Balsmeyer
Patrick Barile
James Bastian
James Bastian
Edward Battista
Daniel Beaman
Nicholas R Bell
Giacomo Belletti
Irving Berlin
Martin Bernstein
Jyota Bertrang
Kara Blanchard
Hal Blankenship
Hal Blankenship
Franziska Blatner
Josh Bluth
Joseph Bonn
Kathryn Botkin
Glenn Bowen
Bertolt Brecht
Claudia Breckenridge
Anthony Bregman
Joanna Brett
J. C. Brotherhood
Ryan Bua
David Bull
Joe Bunce
Jim Burke
Sam Burrell
Jeff Butcher
Adam Butera
Matt Callahan
Anne Carey
Ian Carmody
Jennifer Carnival
Eric Carpenter
Chris Carroll
Paul Castiglione
Mike Castillo
Steve Caterelli
Anthony Cauchy
Ben Cheah
Ben Cheah
Ariel Chudzikiewicz
Daniel Ciampa
Jeff Clark
Tim Clarke
Diana Cleland
Peter Clores
Justine Cogan
David Cole
Jay Coolidge
J. John Corbett
Marko Costanzo
Divine Cox
Donnie Creighton
Angela Cutrone
Joseph Czerw
Bobby Darin
Ray Davies
Alison Davis
Robert W Davis
Loretta James Demasi
Olenka Denysenko
Ryan James Detzel
Stephanie Dichiara
Morgan Donaho
Lori Keith Douglas
Meredith M Driscoll
Jim Dunbar
Bart Durkin
Leighton Edmondson
Valance Eisleben
Matthew Engler
Karen E. Etcoff
Roy Farfel
Kimberly Feinman
Patricia Feliciano
Mark Fellman
Laura Felschow
Robert Fernandez
Jonathan Ferrantelli
John Finn
David Flanigan
David Flanigan
Louise Ford
Michael Frederickson
Rich Fuentes
Tom Gaito
Andrew Gallagher
Kley Gilbuena
Fiorella Glave
Amelia Golden
Andrew Goodney
Amanda Goodpaster
Mack Gordon
Jill Graves
Dennis Green
Orit Greenberg
Rudolphe Gromis
Heather Gross
Jamie Gross
Mitchell Gutman
Travis Holt Hamilton
Denton Hanna
Shannon Harrington
Dave Harter
Ned Harvey
Greg Hayes
Jason P Hayes
Pete Hayes
Mariana Hellmund
Ryan Helsley
Dan Hersey
Scott Hess
Faith Hibbs-clark
Wendy Hoffmann
Julie Holman
Ted Hope
Andrea Horta
Angela How
Eddy Howard
Connie Hoy
Richard Hubka
Nikki Hung
Mott Hupfel
Mott Hupfel
Damon Intrabartolo
Chanel Jackson
Joan Jaffe
Joan Jaffe
Doug Jaqua
Tamara Jenkins
Bob Johnson
Ken Johnson
Brian A Kates
Gerard Kawczynski
Casandra Keating
Jim Kelly
Kevin Kilcher
Mike King
Paul Koronkiewicz
Eric Koski
Kim Krafsky
Sam Kretchmar
Zachary Kuchniki
Nina Kuhn
Jill Landrith
George Lara
Suttirat Larlarb
Alan Lawson
Peggy Lee
Jim Lembo
Lotte Lenya
Nili Lerner
Herb Liberz
Michael Lizzio
Frank Loesser
Jimmy Macmillan
Gerard Maggio
Steven Mann
Dick Manning
Richard J Marino
David Mcallister
Eric Mcallister
Steve Mcauliff
Jeanne Mccarthy
June Mccarthy-dimming
Maggie Mcfarland
Robert Mckay
Jan Mclaughlin
Bruce Mcnally
Brian Mcnulty
Gracie Mendelsohn
Johnny Mercer
Vanessa Merrill
Mark Mikutowicz
Keith Mosca
Ali Muney
Mike Murphy
Anna Musso
Josef Myrow
Geoff Nangle
Iris Ng
Jessica Nissen
Jesse Nye
Mike O'brien
Tim O'heir
Film Details
Technical Specs
Award Nominations
Best Actress
Best Original Screenplay
Miscellaneous Notes
Winner of the 2007 award for Best Original Screenplay by the San Francisco Film Critics Circle (SFFCC).
Winner of the 2007 award for Best Screenplay by the Los Angeles Film Critics Association (LAFCA).
Winner of the 2007 award for Best Screenplay by the National Society of Film Critics (NSFC).
Released in United States Fall November 28, 2007
Released in United States on Video April 22, 2008
Released in United States 2007
Released in United States January 2007
Released in United States October 2007
Released in United States November 2007
Shown at London Film Festival (Film on the Square) October 17-November 1, 2007.
Shown at Vancouver International Film Festival (Cinema of Our Time) September 27-October 12, 2007.
Shown at Hamptons International Film Festival (Spotlight) October 17-21, 2007.
Released in United States Fall November 28, 2007
Released in United States on Video April 22, 2008
Released in United States 2007 (Shown at London Film Festival (Film on the Square) October 17-November 1, 2007.)
Released in United States 2007 (Shown at Vancouver International Film Festival (Cinema of Our Time) September 27-October 12, 2007.)
Released in United States January 2007 (Shown at Sundance Film Festival (Premiere) January 18-28, 2007.)
Released in United States October 2007 (Shown at Hamptons International Film Festival (Spotlight) October 17-21, 2007.)
Released in United States November 2007 (Shown at AFI/Los Angeles International Film Festival (Special Screenings) November 1-11, 2007.)
Voted one of the 10 best films of 2007 by the American Film Institute (AFI).