I'm Not There
Cast & Crew
Todd Haynes
Jane Gilchrist
Richard Gere
Ben Whishaw
Helena Laliberte
Eric Newsome
Film Details
Technical Specs

Todd Haynes
Jane Gilchrist

Richard Gere
Ben Whishaw
Helena Laliberte
Eric Newsome
Mark Camacho
Alison Folland
Fanny Lacroix
Jean-pierre Lalonde
Jim James
Lina Roessler
Heath Ledger
Fred Charest
Dominic James
Felix Pennell
John Koensgen
Al Vandecruys
Matthew Boylan
Clarice Byrne
David Gow

David Cross
Sean Balbar
Richie Havens
Graham Cuthbertson
Greg Kramer
Johann St. Louis
Leigh Ann Taylor
Pauline Little
Lisa Bronwyn Moore
Pierre Leblanc

Don Francks
Trevor Hayes

Cate Blanchett
Peter Friedman
Eugene Brotto
Brett Watson
Maxime Billick
Marie-julie Rivest
Andrew Greene
Jessey Laflamme
Brian Rc Wilmes
Richard Robitaille
Marie-helene Chartrand
Matthew Harbour
Vito Defilippo
Jennifer Rae Westley
Kassandra Dasent
Roc Lafortune
Mickael Sebastien Vitanza
Kathryn Kostlivy
Susan Glover
Paul Cagelet
Paul J Spence
Bruce Greenwood
Bill Croft
Emmanuel Schwartz
Alexis Demers
Jean-nicolas Dery
Tavis Eachan Triance
Marcus Carl Franklin
Daniel Richard Giverni
Michelle Williams
Pier Kohl
Larry Day
Kyle Switzer
Catherine Colvey
Charlotte Gainsbourg
Kyle Gatehouse
Paul Van Dyck
Jean-loup Yale
Lorne Brass
Jane Wheeler
Jesse Todd

Julianne Moore
Benz Antoine
Thiery Dube
Steve Godin
Max Walker
Kim Gordon
Kathleen Fee
Joey Burns
Jodie Resther
Wyatt Bowen
Garth Gilker
Gordon Masten
Leif Anderson
Matt Holland
Nathalie Girard
Noel Burton
Danny Blanco Hall
Kristen Hager
Nico Romberg
Dennis St. John
Pierre-alexandre Fortin

Kris Kristofferson
Jessica Kardos
Tim Post
Andrew Shaver
Jason Cavalier
Sharlene Royer
Paul Johnston
Joe Cobden
Christian Bale
Tyrone Benskin
Greta Papageorgiu
Simon P.f. Nixon
Sherry Haynes
John Convertino
Gabrielle Marcoux
Pierre Lebeau
Kim Roberts
Angela Galuppo
Shawn Baichoo
Jeremy Kantor
Maggie Castle
Arthur Holden
Terry Haig
Ivan Freud
Craig Thomas
Phyllis Gooden
Richard Jutras
Andrew Simms
Warren Brewer Auld
Patrick Costello
Rob Burns
Holly O'brien
John Agnello
Philippe Aigle
Alec Anderson
Jennifer Anderson
Bon Appetit
Eric Aubin
Marie Josee Auclair
Mark R Axton
Vincent Gauvin Badeau
Alan Bak
Tom Bak
Jeff Baker
Paul Barrette
Fabrice Barrilliet
Kelly Baylis
Geoffroy Beauchemin
David Beaudry
Isabelle Beaudry
Donald Beaulieu
Eric Beaulieu
Judy Becker
Andre Bedard
Pascal Bedard
Charles Beetz
Andre Belaieff
Francois Beland
Claude Belanger
Sara Belanger
Marie Bellemare
Pierre Bellemare
Alain Berard
Rori Bergman
Anabelle Berkani
Alain Bernard
Jacques F Bernier
Michel Bernier
Faostine Berthet
Faustine Berthet
Jacques Bertrand
Jean-philippe Berube
Lysbeth Le Bescond
Marie-etienne Bessette
Antoine Bianchi
Michel Bilodeau
Jim Birkett
Alain Bisson Doyal
Pierre Blondin
Josee Bolduc
Audrey Bouchard
Roch Boucher
Stephane Boucher
Andre Boucley
Julie Bougie-boyer
Nicholas Bouliane
Michael Boulonne
David Boulton
Robert Bourdeau
Pierre Boutin
Tommy Boyce
Gaspar Brabant
Mario Brabant
Eric Brais
Julie Breton
Marcel Breton
Julien Brisebois
Patrick Brissette
Francis Brousseau
Solomon Burbridge
Solomon Burbridge
Joey Burns
Joey Burns
Niamh Butler
Jennifer Bydwell
Stephane Byl
Christian Caperaa
Real Capuano
Annie Carignan
Ray Di Carlo
Ray Di Carlo
Annie Carpentier
Sebastien Cassou
Pierre Chabot
Simon Champagne
Pierre Charpentier
Guenael Charrier
Yana Collins Lehman
Didier Communaux
Alec Comtois
William Conacher
Drake Conrad
Traci Cook
Jean-marc Cormier
Brigitte Cote
Isabelle Cote
Yan Cote
Ariane Cote-chenier
Louis Craig
Alain Mc Crory
Patricia Cuccia
Alana Cymerman
Nicole Cyr
Sylvie Dagenais
Pierre-hugues Dallaire
Audrey David
Monica De Armond Borde
John Deblau
Jean-yves Denis
Caroline Desbiolles
David Desgroseillers
Jean-francois Desjardins
Martin Desrochers
Jean Desroches
Etienne Desrosiers
Jack Devine
Jean-marc Devirieux
Jean-jacques Dion
Maximilien Dion
John Doe
Denis Doiron
Ariane Drapeau-cloutier
Sylvaine Dufaux
Maureen Duffy
Joel Dumoulin
Jim Dunbar
Brian Dunlop
John Dunn
Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan
Kerstin Dyroff
Azaria Ehlers
Mark Eifert
Joy Ellison
Philip Elway
David Esparza
Andre Essiembre
Alice Farrell
Bruce Farrell
Genevieve Ferderber
Maxime Ferland
Rick Findlater
Rick Findlater
Annie Fisette
Hugo Foisy
Rejéan Forget
Chloe Fortin
Gregg Fosmire
Marcus Carl Franklin
Pedro B. Gandol
Marshall Garlington
Maory Gastelo
Bruno Gatien
Andre Gaudet
Benoit Gauthier
Caroline Gauthier
Francois Gauthier
Francois Gauthier
Celine Gauvreau
Odette Gauvreau
Etienne Geoffrion
Nicole Germain
Sebastien Gervais
Tereska Gesing
Jason Giberson
Martine Giguere
Stephen Gilbert
Merlin Girard
Christophe Giraud
Chloe Giroux-bertrand
Laurent Gladu
Haley Glennie-smith
John Goldwyn
Erik Gosselin
Jean-pierre Gosselin
Daniel Goyens
Marc-andre Goyer
Julie Graham
Julie Gratton
Jacques Grener
Amelie Grenier
Andreas Grosch
Sophie Guerin
Real Hamel
Martin Handfield
Rick Hannigan
Douglas E. Hansen
Jayme Hansen
Barbara Harris
John-john Harris
Bobby Hart
Richie Havens
Catherine La Haye
Todd Haynes
Todd Haynes
Lee Hays
Mario Hebert
Felix Heeb
Joe Henry
Isabel Hervieux
Film Details
Technical Specs
Award Nominations
Best Supporting Actress
Miscellaneous Notes
Winner of the 2007 award for Best Supporting Actress (Cate Blanchett) by the National Society of Film Critics (NSFC).
Winner of the 2007 award for Best Supporting Actress (Cate Blanchett) by the Toronto Film Critics Association (TFCA).
Winner of three awards including the Coppa Volpi for Best Actress (Cate Blanchett), the CinemAvvenire award for Best Film in Competition and co-winner of the Special Jury Prize at the 2007 Venice International Film Festival.
Released in United States Fall November 21, 2007
Limited Release in United States November 21, 2007
Released in United States on Video May 6, 2008
Released in United States 2007
Released in United States 2008
Shown at Venice International Film Festival (Competition) August 29-September 8, 2007.
Shown at London Film Festival (Centerpiece Gala) October 17-November 1, 2007.
Shown at New York Film Festival September 28-October 14, 2007.
Shown at Rotterdam International Film Festival (Kings & Aces) January 23-February 3, 2008.
Project was previously set up at Appian Way and Paramount Pictures.
Bob Dylan has licensed music rights to the production.
Released in United States Fall November 21, 2007
Limited Release in United States November 21, 2007
Released in United States on Video May 6, 2008
Released in United States 2007 (Shown at Venice International Film Festival (Competition) August 29-September 8, 2007.)
Released in United States 2007 (Shown at London Film Festival (Centerpiece Gala) October 17-November 1, 2007.)
Released in United States 2007 (Shown at New York Film Festival September 28-October 14, 2007.)
Released in United States 2008 (Shown at Rotterdam International Film Festival (Kings & Aces) January 23-February 3, 2008.)
Winner of the 2007 award for Best Supporting Actress (Cate Blanchett) by the Chicago Film Critics Association (CFCA).