Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Doug Mcgrath
Frank Curcio
Morgan Farris
Brian Shoop
J D Young
Zachary Burnett
Film Details
Technical Specs
What starts out as the irreverent journey of the openly gay writer Truman Capote to the middle-class world of 1950's Kansas, where he goes--with his childhood friend Harper Lee--to research the murder of the Clutter family, turns to something altogether darker when Capote forms an intense and complex relationship with one of the murderers. In doing so, he produced his greatest work, "In Cold Blood," but at a devastating personal cost.
Doug Mcgrath
Frank Curcio
Morgan Farris
Brian Shoop
J D Young
Zachary Burnett
Steve Schwelling
Lee Pace
Brett Brock
Daniel Craig

Isabella Rossellini
Marina Aleta Jones
Terri Zee
Turk Pipkin
Gail Cronauer
Brady Coleman
Marco Perella
Mark Newman
Libby Villari
Mark Rubin
Toby Jones
Lee Ritchey
Charles Mooneyhan
Leticia Trejo
John Benjamin Hickey
Bethlyn Gerard

Hope Davis

Sandra Bullock
Brady Hender
Gabriel Folse
Brent Mccoy
Paul Mitchell Wright
Rey Arteaga
Juliet Stevenson

Jeff Daniels
Richard Dillard
Sheila Bailey Lucas
Joey Basham
Norman J Bennett
Joe Cordi

Peter Bogdanovich
Michael D Conway
Richard A Jones
Dennis Letts
Michael Panes
Mitch Baker
Ray Gestaut
Steve Flanagin
Grant James
Terri Bennett
Glover Johns Gill

Sigourney Weaver
Austin Chittim
Andrew Halbreich
Justin Sherburn
Phil Shirey

Gwyneth Paltrow
Anna Abbey
Kenny Anderson
Ethan Andrus
Marc Andrus
Natalie Angel
Andrea Ariel
Andrea Ariel
Melanie Armstrong Fletcher
Sara Aronson
Jeff Atmajian
Charles Aznavour
Allen Bain
Marc Baird
Dawn Baker
Hank Ballard
Laura Ballinger
Nathaniel Bates
Meg Beatty
Judy Becker
Amy Bell
Jason Benjamin
Bradley Blei
Jonny Bond
Jason Boothie
Troy Breeding
Alex Breen
Francie Brown
Rodney T Brown
Jenn Bubka
Jacenda Burkett
Allan Byer
Craig Byrom
Everett Byrom
Paul Candrilli
John Carbonara
Douglas Carter
Ben Cheah
Ben Cheah
Ben Cheah
Lance Cheatham
Ellen Chenoweth
Eric Cheripka
John Clifford
Ryan Collison
A J Colmenero
Peter Colovito
Stephen Consentino
Bridget M. Cook
Joe Cordi
Daniel Craig
Daniel Crouch
April Crump
Marc Dabrusin
Fred Clement Daniel
Tracy Keehn Dashnaw
Hal David
Doris Day
John Deblau
Bruno Delbonnel
Bruno Delbonnel
Linda Devetta
Drew Dillard
Becki Drake
Ana Katherina Drechsler
David Dreishpoon
Al Dubin
Penny Dyer
Sherman Edwards
Sheila Eitson
Kris Enos
Jennifer Euston
Terri L. Ewton
Gregory Faucett
Erin Ferguson
Sunner Finley
Rafael M. Fragunda
Sean Frechette
Sonia L. Garcia
Erroll Garner
William K. Gaskins
Emily Gaunt
Rhonda George
Don Gillespie
Lawrence Glass
Kayse Goodell
Kater Gordon
Catherine Gore
Dwayne Grady
Ronnie Greene
Louis J Guerra
Juliet Guimont
Bruce Hall
Nancy Hamilton
Mark Hanks
Coleman Hawkins
Jocelyn Hayes-simpson
Sandy Hays
Erika Henderson
Selena Hernandez
Wayne Herndon
Joe Hobeck
Al Hoffman
Damian Holton
Harlan Howard
Don Howe Jr.
Christopher Jackson
Kenton Jakub
Janice Janecek
Robert Janecka
Tatiana Jitkoff
Bobby Johanson
Osie Johnson
Dori Kancher
Thomas Karl
Charles Kenny
Nick Kenny
Kathleen Kiatta
Scott Kimbrough
Richard King
Sean King
Susan Kirr
John Klenner
Peter Kolb
Michael Kosarin
Herbert Kretzmer
Ellen Lampl
Marcus Gray Laporte
Eric Leigh
Ellen Lewis
Morgan Lewis
David A Little
Eric Lorenz
Joe Lubin
Patrick J Mangan
Rick Marroquin
Chris Marsh
Tony Martinez
Sean Maxwell
Eric Mcallister
Marc Mccord
Joseph Mccusker
Doug Mcgrath
Winsome G. Mckoy
Sarah Mcmillan
Todd Mcmullen
Melissa Mercer
Morgan Miles
Mitch Miller
Josh Morehead
Todd S Morris
P. K. Munson
Molly Murray
Ruth Myers
Darylin Nagy
Sandra Nash
Lonnie Nelson
Deana Newcomb
Rocco Nisicoccia
Daniel Norton
Heather Page
Kristen Paladino
Eliza Paley
Tom Palma
Gwyneth Paltrow
John Parker
Neil Parker
Aissatou Parks
Frank Parrish
Shobie Partos
Shane Patrick
Christopher Patterson
Noelle Penraat
Thomas Percarpio
Leola Perez
Suzana Peric
Ronald Perkins
Wyatt Philips
George Plimpton
Cole Porter
Rachel Portman
Joaquin D. Prange
Charles Pugliese
Leeann Radeka
Karen Ramirez
Janine Rath-thompson
Janine Rath-thompson
Tara Reimers
Taylor Rierden
Jeff Robinson
Audrey Rosenberg
Mark Rubin
Mark Rubin
Chris Ryan
Daniel Salk
Howard Samuelsohn
Autumn Saville
Steve Sawhill
Melizah Schmidt
Jeffrey P. Schwan
Joe Self
Film Details
Technical Specs
Award Wins
Best Actor
Award Nominations
Best Adapted Screenplay
Best Director
Best Picture
Best Supporting Actress
Miscellaneous Notes
Winner of the 2006 award for Best British Actor of the Year (Toby Jones) by the London Critics' Circle.
Released in United States Fall October 13, 2006
Expanded Release in United States October 27, 2006
Released in United States on Video February 13, 2007
Released in United States 2006
Released in United States September 2006
Shown at London Film Festival (Film on the Square) October 18-November 2, 2006.
Shown at Venice International Film Festival (Horizons) August 30 - September 9, 2006.
Based on George Plimpton's 1997 oral biography "Truman Capote: In Which Various Friends, Enemies, Acquaintances and Detractors Recall His Turbulent Career."
Mark Wahlberg was previously attached to play the part of Perry Smith. Michelle Pfeiffer was previously attached to play Slim Keith but dropped out. Hope Davis replaced her in that role.
Project was included on the 2005 Black List.
Released in United States Fall October 13, 2006 (top 20 markets)
Expanded Release in United States October 27, 2006
Released in United States on Video February 13, 2007
Released in United States 2006 (Shown at London Film Festival (Film on the Square) October 18-November 2, 2006.)
Released in United States 2006 (Shown at Venice International Film Festival (Horizons) August 30 - September 9, 2006.)
Released in United States September 2006 (Shown at Telluride Film Festival September 1-4, 2006.)