The Menace of the Mute
Cast & Crew
Ashley Miller
Arnold Daly
Sheldon Lewis
Louise Rutter
William Hartigan
Charles Laite
Film Details

When Edyth Vail trails her loving but distracted fiancé Allen Morris and stumbles upon the murdered body of David Hume, she suspects that Allen has committed the crime and immediately contacts Ashton-Kirk, a noted sleuth. After some careful investigation, Kirk uncovers the fact that Hume was killed while protecting a safe hidden behind a picture, and that Allen's father, an inventor, had recently drawn plans for a new submarine. Allen finally admits that he had gone to Hume's room in hopes of retrieving the papers Hume had stolen from his father, but upon discovering the man dead, had panicked and left. With the help of a train conducter's ticket punch, Kirk tracks down the identity of the murderers and sets a trap for them at the safe. As predicted by Kirk, the killers, one of whom is a mute, show up to break open the safe and are apprehended by the police.

Arnold Daly
Sheldon Lewis
Louise Rutter
William Hartigan
Charles Laite
Martin Sabine
George Melville

Film Details

This film was the second production in a series called "Ashton-Kirk, Investigator," the first being An Affair of Three Nations. William Hartigan was also listed as William Harrigan in one source.