Dressed to Kill
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Roy William Neill
Basil Rathbone
Nigel Bruce
Patricia Morison
Edmond Breon
Frederic Worlock
Film Details
Technical Specs

At an auction in London, identical music boxes made at a local prison are sold to patrons Julian "Stinky" Emery, William Kilgour and Evelyn Clifford. Immediately after the sales, the underhanded Colonel Cavanaugh bribes Ebenezer Crabtree, the auctioneer, to give him the purchasers' addresses. The next night, Stinky visits his old friend, Dr. Watson, at the home of detective Sherlock Holmes, and tells them how he was robbed of a music box which resembled the cheaper one he bought at the auction. Intrigued, Holmes asks to see the cheaper box at Stinky's, and there admires the unusual tune it plays. After they leave Stinky's, Hilda Courtney, a beautiful acquaintance of Stinky, visits and asks him for his music box as a gift. When Stinky refuses, Hamid, the driver for Cavanaugh and Hilda, enters and kills him. Holmes soon investigates the crime scene, and, seeing the music box is gone, questions Crabtree, who reveals the addresses of the purchasers and describes Cavanaugh. Holmes and Watson hurry to Kilgour's to examine his music box, and after the housekeeper reluctantly lets them in and then leaves, they find a young girl tied up in the closet, who tells them the housekeeper, whom they realize was really Hilda, attacked her and stole her music box. The next day, Hilda and Cavanaugh follow Evelyn to the toy store at which she works, only to discover that Holmes has already purchased her music box. Outside, Hilda realizes that a Scotland Yard man, Sergeant Thompson, is following them, and they kill him. Meanwhile, Holmes deduces that the three boxes must work together to form a coded message, and learns that they were crafted by a prisoner named John Davidson, who years earlier stole and hid a set of five-pound note engraving plates from the Bank of England, from which counterfeit money could be made. When Holmes notices that Evelyn's music box plays a slightly different tune than Stinky's, he rushes to find Joe Cisto, an entertainer who can identify any song. After Joe affirms that the tune, an Australian folk song, is a few notes off and writes the correct notes for him, Holmes struggles throughout the night to decode it. Finally, due to a remark of Watson's about numbering the keys of a piano, Holmes understands that the off notes correspond to numbers which correspond to letters. He decodes the message: "Behind books third shelf secretary Dr. S," but knows that this is only one third of the statement. Soon after, his study is ransacked, but Holmes discovers that one of the criminals left behind an exotic cigarette, which he traces back to Hilda. He visits her, only to be ambushed by Cavanaugh and Hamid, who take him to a warehouse, handcuff him, set off a deadly chemical smoke bomb and hang him by the cuffs. As Holmes struggles to escape, Hilda visits Watson and, after tricking him into revealing the location of the box, steals it. When Holmes returns, Watson happens to recite a Samuel Johnson quote, which tips off Holmes as to the identity of "Dr. S." They rush to the Samuel Johnson memorial museum, in which the bookcase is located, and arrest the three thieves just as they are retrieving the plates.

Roy William Neill

Basil Rathbone

Nigel Bruce

Patricia Morison
Edmond Breon
Frederic Worlock
Carl Harbord
Patricia Cameron

Holmes Herbert

Harry Cording
Leyland Hodgson
Mary Gordon

Ian Wolfe
Tom P. Dillon
Topsy Glyn
Delos Jewkes
Glenn E. Anderson
Howard Benedict
Jack Brooks
Bernard B. Brown
Judson Cox
Carmen Dirigo
Russell A. Gausman
Maury Gertsman
Saul A. Goodkind
Frank Gruber
Raymond Kessler
Russell Lawson
Leonard Lee
John Martin
Roy William Neill
Martin Obzina
Jack Otterson
Jack P. Pierce
Ronald K. Pierce
Edward R. Robinson
Milton Rosen
Melville Shyer
Vera Ward

Film Details
Technical Specs

The Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection on DVD
Many of the films in this set were reviewed on TCM's website when they were first released by MPI. Those reviews, still available in the site's archive, may be referred to for more details. But briefly...Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce starred as Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson in fourteen films over eight years. The first two, The Hound of the Baskervilles and The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, were produced by 20th Century Fox in 1939 and were set in the Victorian London period of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's stories. In 1942 Universal acquired the rights, borrowed the actors, and launched its own 12-film series which placed Holmes and Watson in present-day London. In these movies Holmes and Watson sometimes aid the war effort, but usually they solve mysteries which are composed of bits and pieces of actual Conan Doyle stories. These are B pictures which look like A's, thanks to excellent production values. Their entertainment quotient is high and they have always played well to audiences of all ages.
UCLA did an amazing job restoring the Universal titles. In some cases, original film elements were gone and the only things to work with were dupes. In others, elements were decomposing into vinegar and were rescued in the nick of time. In an extra retained from the 2004 release, UCLA preservation officer Robert Gitt offers a brief overview of the restoration process. It's fascinating to hear what went into saving and restoring even the simplest things, like the "The End" card of some titles, and we can thank our lucky stars that Gitt and UCLA are around to care about such things. Other retained extras include superb photo galleries done as montages to classical music, remarkable newsreel footage of Doyle discussing his creation, and commentaries on a few titles by film historian David Stuart Davies, who makes sure to touch on all the films in the series.
The one new extra is a commentary on Dressed to Kill (1946) featuring 91-year-old Patricia Morison, the film's leading lady, who recalls the picture to film historian Richard Valley and moderator David Gregory. Dressed to Kill (1946) was the last of the Basil Rathbone titles, and it is a strong and satisfying entry. Morison is the villainess who does indeed walk around in glamorous outfits, "dressed to kill." A talented actress, Morison never got the major parts she deserved. In this movie, she lends great charm and radiance to her role, making it much more interesting and attractive than it would have been if played simply "evil."
In her elegant and articulate commentary, she speaks delightfully of everything from Ronald Colman's Beverly Hills Christmas parties to Nigel Bruce: "That was one of the dearest people - Willy Bruce. He was exactly the way he played. It was not an act." Of Rathbone, she says he often wondered aloud on the set, "Why am I doing this?" It's true Rathbone was aching to leave the Holmes character. He did after this picture, and his career started a steady decline. Morison also appeared in Persons in Hiding (1939), Hitler's Madman (1943), Fallen Sparrow (1943), Song of Bernadette (1943), and Song of the Thin Man (1947), among other films, and while she does not discuss all these titles, she does go into a few. She says that she soon left Hollywood to go back to Broadway because the studios wouldn't give her any singing roles. A trained singer, she was quickly hired by Cole Porter to play Kate in the original Broadway production of Kiss Me Kate. Overall, Sherlock Holmes fans will enjoy this commentary - it's great to hear from anyone who worked with Rathbone and Bruce on these films.
There are a few faults with this new box set. The liner notes by Richard Valley that accompanied the original DVD releases are nowhere to be found, which is a real shame because they were superbly written and enlightening. Also, the nice cover artwork of the earlier releases has been eliminated, and the case design has been replaced by a box-like container from which one can pull out several plastic racks holding the DVDs. The racks are held together by a single piece of Scotch tape which easily comes apart. The entire package is surprisingly flimsy and threadbare.
At least these are minor quibbles. One thing's for certain: you will not find better DVD prints of these movies anywhere else. Because the titles are in the public domain, many cheapie DVD distributors legally sell their own versions at lower prices. MPI's price is higher, though the price per title is now a lot better than it was in 2004. But you get what you pay for, and if an unappealing case is the worst part of the deal, you're still in pretty good shape. For anyone who did not acquire these movies from MPI the first time around, the new box set is highly recommended.
For more information about The Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection, visit MPI Home Video. To order The Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection, go to TCM Shopping.
by Jeremy Arnold

The Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection on DVD
The Sherlock Holmes Collection Volume 3
Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce starred as Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson in fourteen films over eight years. The first two, The Hound of the Baskervilles and The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, were produced by 20th Century Fox in 1939. In 1942 Universal acquired the rights, borrowed the actors, and launched its own 12-film series which has now been released chronologically in three sets of four DVDs by MPI.
One of the beauties of these pictures is that they can be enjoyed by truly all ages. They feature elegant suspense, satisfying mystery and action, intellectual problem-solving, wonderful comic relief, good villains, and of course the unique chemistry of Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce in the roles for which they will forever be known.
The Woman in Green (1945) is a standard entry in the series but has perhaps the best of the Prof. Moriartys (Holmes' arch-nemesis) in the actor Henry Daniell. Three films featured Moriarty, and he was played by three different actors - the other two being George Zucco and Lionel Atwill. Daniell's smoothness made him especially menacing, and Rathbone himself later wrote, "There are other Moriartys, but none so delectably dangerous as was that of Henry Daniell."
Pursuit to Algiers (1945), set almost entirely on a ship, is dramatically perhaps the weakest of the series, but there's really not a bad film in the bunch. Watson sings in this one - not too badly, as it turns out - and handles a touching dramatic moment very well. Terror By Night (1946) is a rock-solid entry which finds the duo aboard a train, on which almost every passenger could be a murderer and jewel thief. Dennis Hoey makes his last appearance as Inspector Lestrade. Roy William Neill (who produced and directed most of these films, and died of a heart attack just months after they concluded) keeps the tension high, and the twist ending is especially clever.
The series finale, Dressed to Kill (1946), is very strong and satisfying. It moves so well that you don't really notice how prepostrous the story is. The woman who walks around dressed to kill is played by beautiful Patricia Morison, a talented actress who never got the major parts she deserved, and Holmes and Watson engage in delicious dialogue such as this typical exchange: Watson: "It seems to me they're a bunch of lunatics." Holmes: "Not lunatics, my dear fellow. Extremely astute cold-blooded murderers."
Even before Dressed to Kill began shooting, Rathbone had had enough. He'd been feeling pigeon-holed by Holmes and wanted to move on. In addition to the movies, he had played the role on over 200 half-hour radio programs with Bruce. But Rathbone's best non-Holmes films were behind him, and his career started a steady decline. Bruce wanted to continue, and this was the source of a sizable disagreement between the two friends. (Bruce did continue the weekly radio show for one more season, with Tom Conway filling in for Rathbone.) In the end, "pigeon-holed" is a vast understatement when it comes to these actors in these roles. No one who has ever seen them can ever think of Holmes and Watson without thinking of Rathbone and Bruce, so perfect were they for the characters and so perfect was their chemistry.
Audio commentary by David Stuart Davies, author of Starring Sherlock Holmes, can be found on the DVD of The Woman In Green, though Davies discusses all four films. He is quite knowledgeable, and Holmes connoisseurs will be pleased to hear from which stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle each film borrowed bits and pieces. Volume 3 also includes a brief, fascinating newsreel of Conan Doyle himself talking about his creation, and a 3-minute, nicely done montage of production stills and poster art. The liner notes by Richard Valley offer enough details on the films and their supporting casts to satisfy the most relentless trivia hounds.
There's also a page in the notes from UCLA explaining the source materials for the restorations. Due to the various states of existing negatives and safety prints, the films do vary in quality, and some minor blemishes have permanently worked themselves into the films. For the most part, however, the movies look sensational, with beautiful blacks and rich shadows.
With the release of Volume 3, all twelve Universal films are now available on DVD. As for the two Fox films, The Hound of the Baskervilles and The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, MPI plans to release them on April 27, 2004. While they are not UCLA restorations, MPI assured this reviewer that the source materials are good-quality 35mm prints and that the discs will be laden with extras.
To order The Sherlock Holmes Collection Vol. 3, go to TCM Shopping.
by Jeremy Arnold
The Sherlock Holmes Collection Volume 3
The working title of this film was Prelude to Murder. Five months after the film's release, producer-director Roy William Neill died of a heart attack in England. Dressed to Kill was the twelfth and last film in Universal's "Sherlock Holmes" series. According to modern sources, by the time of the picture's release, star Basil Rathbone had tired of the role and refused to continue it. Rathbone did, however, continue to play Holmes on radio, stage and television at various times throughout the rest of his career. Modern sources include Lillian Bronson, Olaf Hytten and Charlie Hall in the cast. For additional information on the series and other films featuring the Arthur Conan Doyle characters, please consult the Series Index and see the entry below for Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror and the entries for Sherlock Holmes and The Hound of the Baskervilles in AFI Catalog of Feature Films, 1931-40; F3.4020 and F3.2009.