Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Ron Howard
Jim Carrey
Jeremy Howard
Christine Baranski
Clay Martinez
Gregori Renta
Film Details
Technical Specs
The curmudgeonly recluse Grinch, who hates Christmas, becomes annoyed with the out-of-control Christmas festivities in Whoville, the town lying below his cave dwelling on Mt. Crumpit. But after the Grinch conspires to deprive the Who's of their favorite holiday by sneaking into town on Christmas eve to steal everything associated with the holiday, he learns that the spirit of Christmas goes much deeper than tinsel and toys.

Jim Carrey
Jeremy Howard
Christine Baranski
Clay Martinez
Gregori Renta
Lacey Kohl
Rachel Winfree
Clint Howard
Q'orianka Kilcher
Rebecca Chace
Mary Stein
Verne Troyer
Nadja Pionilla
Mindy Sterling
Frank Welker
Gavin Grazer
James R Barrows
Rance Howard
Michael Dahlen
John Short
Caroline Williams
Jim Meskimen
Ben Bookbinder
Bill Irwin
Kevin Isola
Grainger Esch
Michaela Gallo
Bryce Dallas Howard
Taylor Momsen
Reid Kirchenbauer
Jeffrey Tambor
John Alexander
Mason Lucero
Charlie Croughwell

Anthony Hopkins
Walter Franks
Jesica Sara
Eva Burkley
James Ritz
Deep Roy
David Costabile
Josh Ryan Evans
Molly Shannon
Lillias White
Landry Allbright
Tommy Samona
Steve Kehela
Rain Pryor
Suzanne Krull
T. J. Thyne
Donovan A. Scott
Kevin Abercrombie
Umberto Accardi
Todd Adelman
Laura Albert
James Alden
Joseph Alfuso
Richard Alonzo
Danny Andersen
Lance Anderson
Mike Anderson
Riccardo Anderson
Brian Andrew-tunstall
Beth Andrus
Bernd Angerer
Audie Aragon
Javier Arrieta
Karen Asano-myers
Jane Aull
Rick Baker
Rick Baker
Terry Baliel
William Ballard
Pat Banta
Clayton Barber
Scott Barnes
Jason Barnett
Brian Barnhart
Renzo Bartolotta
Chris Bateman
James Battersby
Ron Batzdorff
Brian Begun
Harold Bell
Laurent Ben-mimoun
Michael Benefield
David Beneke
Susana Bentsen
Tricia Bercsi
Andrew Berentis
Alec Berg
Alec Berg
Lee Berger
Dave Bergmann
Dan Berkowitz
Andy Berman
Andrew Bernstein
Nancy Bernstein
Steven Jesse Bernstein
Sonia Bhalla
Kate Biscoe
Duncan Blackman
Allen Blaisdell
John Blake
Roland Blancaflor
Tim Blaney
Fred Blau
Matt Boatright-simon
Dotan Bonen
Rick Boomhower
Bob Bornstein
Merideth Boswell
Kevin Bouchez
Dawn Bowery
Larry Boyd
Corey C. Bronson
Dan Bronson
Judy Brown
Randy Brown
Katarino Bueno
Suzanne Buirgy
Culley Bunker
Eva Burkley
Shannan Burkley
Barney Burman
Trisha Burton
Ronnie Bushaw
Domingo A. Bustamante
Michael Buster
Shelley Butler
Jason Butters
Everett Byrom
Connie Cadwell
Eliot Cail-sirota
Carolyn Calvert
Bob Camp
Greg Camp
Jodi Campanaro
Mae Canaga
Marilee Canaga
Brian Cantwell
Frisco Canyon
Mariah Carey
Jim Carrey
Jerry Casillas
Jeanette Castillo
Tony Catagnola
Martin Charles
Michael Chavez
Rick Chertoff
Tim Christensen
Chris Ciampa
Tom Clancy
Richard Cody
David Cohen
Kriste Collins
Rafael Colon
Ally Conley
Audrey A Conrad
Michael A. Contreraz
Leslie Coogan
Don E Cooke
Marnie Cooper
Michael Corenblith
Cydney Cornell
Ed Cornell
Brian Corpus
Bill Corso
Filippo Costanzo
Martin Costello
John Michael Courte
Betsy Cox
Carl Crandall
Don Crawford
Robert Cribbett
Kevin Cross
Cameron Croughwell
Charlie Croughwell
Joshua Lee Croughwell
Bill Cueto
Anna Culp
James D'damery
Michael Dahlen
Caroline Dahllof
Wade Daily
Kevin Dandridge
Brian C Davis
Richard Davison
Sandy De Crescent
Gabriel De Cunto
Ray De La Motte
Stacy De La Motte
Chris Del Conte
Yvonne Depatis-kupka
Aaron Dern
Kim Derry
Matthew Dettmann
Mitch Devane
Sean Devereaux
Feliciano Di Giorgio
Gary Dionne
Daren R. Dochterman
Perry Dodgson
Darryll Dodson
Rob Doolittle
Andrea Dopaso
Malcolm Doran
Frank Dorowsky
Chris Dowell
Jon Doyle
Loring Doyle
Dean Drabin
Christina Drahos
Greg Duda
David J Dumas
John Dumas
Rachel Wyn Dunn
Melissa Economy
Megan B Edwards
Ronald J Eisenman
Zoltan Elek
Earl Ellis
Gregory Elwood
Jenni Prange Engleman
Leonard Engleman
Edwin Escobar
Robert Espinoza
Nick Esposto
Glenn Evans
Nancy Evans
Daniel Ezralow
Sean Andrew Faden
Conny Fauser
Danielle Ferraro
Emily Ferry
Bill Fesh
Claire Flewin
Christopher Flick
Carmen Flores De Tanis
Ben Folds
Linda Folk
David Forman
Dan Foster
David Foster
Dan Fowler
Mark Franco
Erica Freeman
Rob Freitas
Robert A D Frick
Film Details
Technical Specs
Award Wins
Best Makeup
Award Nominations
Set Decoration
Best Costume Design
Miscellaneous Notes
Nominated for the 2000 Award for Best Production Design in a Feature Film - Period/Fantasy from the Society of Motion Picture & Television Art Directors/ Art Directors Guild (ADG).
Winner of the 2000 award for Excellence in Period/Fantasy Costume Design for Film by the Costume Designers Guild (CDG).
Winner of the 2000 Golden Satellite Award for Best Costume Design from the International Press Academy.
Released in United States Fall November 17, 2000
Released in United States on Video November 20, 2001
"The Grinch Who Stole Christmas" was previously produced as an animated television special (1966/CBS) directed by Chuck Jones and narrated by Boris Karloff.
Make-up effects designer Rick Baker was reportedly paid $5,000,000 for his work.
Completed shooting February 18, 2000.
Began shooting September 7, 1999.
Released in United States Fall November 17, 2000
Released in United States on Video November 20, 2001