The Passion of the Christ
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Mel Gibson
Matt Patresi
Rossella Longo
Lino Salemme
Karen Hwa Chee Han
Emilio De Marchi
Film Details
Technical Specs
A depiction of the last twelve hours in the life of Jesus of Nazareth, on the day of his crucifixion in Jerusalem. Betrayed by Judas Iscariot, the controversial Jesus--who has performed "miracles" and publicly announced he is "the Son of God"--is arrested and the leaders of the Pharisees accuse him of blasphemy. He is tried and condemning to death, and brought before Pontius Pilate, the Roman Governor of Palestine, for his sentencing. Pilate listens to the accusations by the Pharisees and realizes that his decision will get him embroiled in a political conflict, so he defers to King Herod in deciding the matter. But Herod returns Jesus to Pilate, so he gives the crowd a choice between which prisoner they would rather to see set free--Jesus or Barabbas-and Barabbas is chosen. Thus, Jesus is handed over to the Roman soldiers and is brutally flagellated. Bloody and unrecognizable, he is brought back before Pilate who, once again, presents him to the thirsty crowd--assuming they will see that Jesus has been punished enough. The crowd, however, is not satisfied. Thus, Pilate washes his hands of the entire dilemma, ordering his men to do as the crowd wishes. Whipped and weakened, Jesus is presented with the cross and is ordered to carry it through the streets of Jerusalem, all the way up to Golgotha. There, more corporal cruelty takes place as Jesus is nailed to the cross--suffering, he hangs there, left to die. Initially, in his dazed suffering, Jesus is alarmed that he has been abandoned by God his father. Eventually, he overcomes his fear and with his last breaths, tells Mary, his Mother, "It is accomplished." He then beseeches God, "Into Thy hands I commend my spirit." At the moment of his death, nature itself over-turns.

Mel Gibson
Matt Patresi
Rossella Longo
Lino Salemme
Karen Hwa Chee Han
Emilio De Marchi
Nuot Arquint
Chokri Ben Zagden
Luca Lionello
Francesco De Vito
Antonello Iacovone
Giovanni Capalbo
Emanuele Gullotto
Roberto Visconti
Chris Bleth
Roberto Santi
Lello Giulivo
Arianna Vitolo
Gingger Shankar
Naser Mousa
Maurizio Di Carmine
Shannon Kingsbury
Federico Pacifici
Sabrina Impacciatore
Monica Bellucci
Francesco Derosa
Paulo Dos Santos
Valerio Isidori
Noemi Marotta
Ricky Hyslop
Jan Hendrickse
Davide Marotta
Francesco Gabriele
Evelina Meghnagi
Tanja Tzarovska
Levon Minassian
Hristo Jivkov
Tom Shaker
Abel Jafri
Claudia Gerini
Sam O'kell
Michelle Bonev
Abraam Fontana
Aaron Martin
Jarreth Merz
Pedro Eustache
Andrea Coppola
Lisbeth Scott
Angelo Di Loreta
Ron Allen
Nicola Tagarelli
Ivan Gaudiano
Dario D'ambrosi
Andrea Refuto
Fabio Sartor
Maia Morgenstern
Giuseppe Loconsole
Ahmed El-eshmer
Ted Rusoff
Rosalinda Celentano
Lucio Allocca
Adel Bakri
Olek Mincer
Jim Caviezel
Francis B K Dokyi
Robert Bestazzoni
Gabriella Barbuti
Daniela Poti
Peter Jeffreys
Ornella Giusto
Lucia Stara
Valerio Esposito
Sergio Rubini
Hristo Shopov
Martin Tillman
Toni Bertorelli
Giancinto Ferro
Luciano Dragone
Francesco Cabras
Mattia Sbragia
Adel Ben Ayed
Luca De Dominicis
Sheila Mokhtari
Omar Capalbo
Danilo Di Ruzza
Luciano Federico
Paco Reconti
Romuald Andrzej Klos
Franco Costanzo
Keith Thompson
Giovanni Vettorazzo
Danilo Maria Valli
Pedro Sarubbi
Vincenzo Monti
Daniele Abeille
Daniel Acon
Peter Afterman
Renato Agostini
Mary Agreda
Laura Aleccia
Luca Alunni
Cecilia Alvarenga
Wolfgang Amadeus
Marcus E Andexler
Alessia Anfuso
Philippe Antonello
Giorgio Antonini
Mauro Antonini
Paolo Antonini
Carlo Antonioni
Stefano Antonioni
Maurizio Argentieri
Andrea Arnone
Kami Asgar
Martin Astles
Jeff Atmajian
Giuseppe Avallone
Carmen Y Avila
Fausto Baldinelli
Eleonora Baldwin
Antonio Barba
Eraldo Barbona
Simone Barbona
Brian Battles
Antonio Beccarisi
Bob Beemer
Frank Bennett
Michele Bergstrom
Les Bernstein
Agostino Bivi
Arnaldo Bivi
Bryan Blair
Alec Boehm
Milena Bono
Alessandro Borgese
Chris Borgnine
Steve Bowen
Mario Bramucci
Richard Branca
Kevin Brennan
Ron Brown
Tom Y Burns
Everett Burrell
Timothy Michael Cairns
Anna Cannella
Greg Cannom
Omero Capanna
Domenico Caponecchi
Danilo Capuzzi
Rocchetti E Carboni
Kate Carlin
Melissa J T Carter
Fratelli Cartocci
Gianni Casalnuovo
Giorgio Catalano
Peter A Chevako
Frederico Ciuffolini
Jessica Clements
Alessandra Colangelli
Vito Colazzo
Marco Contaldo
Giorgio Conti
Bryan Cooke
Bob Corna
Desideria Corridoni
Maria Teresa Corridoni
Maurizio Di Coste
Massimo Cristofanelli
Giulia Chiara Crugnola
Pasquale Cuzzupoli
Andrea Danek
Bruce Davey
Roberto De Angelis
Roberto De Angelis
Attilia De Mario Sartor
John Debney
Lola Debney
Brad Dechter
Michael Del Rossa
Caleb Deschanel
Alessandro Di Meo
Danilo Di Ruzza
Justin Ditter
Francis B K Dokyi
John Donahue
Michael Donahue
Andrew Dudman
Ken Duncan
Barbara Dunning
Alfredo Ecolangeli
Terry Edwards
Glen Eisner
Alberto Emidi
Sergio Ercolessi
Benny Estrada
Philip Farah
Edoardo Finocchi
Alessandro Fiorito
Maria Fiorito
Damien Fisher
Benedict Fitzgerald
Olga Fitzroy
Michela Forbicioni
Alessandra Fortuna
Federico Foti
Renato Francola
Davide Franconieri
Francesco Frigeri
Jennifer Fukasawa
Professor William Fulco
Professor William Fulco
Christopher Gallaher
Carlo Gervasi
Mel Gibson
Mel Gibson
Alessandro Giuseppini
Thomas D Gleason
Ken Grassi
Michal Gregus
Isobel Griffiths
Rachel Griffiths
Gary Gross
Stefano Grossi
Vincent Guisetti
Joshua Haber
Scott G G Haller
Juliet Hirata
William Hoy
Carla Indoni
Nick Ingman
Iftimoaie Ionut
Tim Jarvis
Scott A Jennings
Yvonna Jimenez
Kelly Jones
Ramon Juncal
Pamela Nedd Kahn
Mark Killingsworth
John Kim
Mary Kim
Jonathan Klein
Laurel Klick
Samba Koschak
Veronika Kostrhounova
Bob Kretschmer
Andrea Lancia
Suzanne Leance
Jonathan Lee
Brian Van Leer
Jack Lenz
Stefano De Leonibus
Curtis Lindersmith
Julie Lindner
Kristen E Lobstein
J.m. Logan
Howard London
Simone Lucchetti
Rosa Luciani
Bruno Di Luia
Maurizio Lupi
Pier Franco Luscri
Daniela Macrillo
Carlo Maggi
Marco Maggi
Salvatore Magnisi
Gianpaolo Majorana
Rajeev Malhotra
Ivano Marescotti
Gianni Marini
Aaron Martin
Pasqual Martino
Nicola Di Marzio
Pietro Masotti
Julianne Masted
Vincenzo Mastrantonio
Herwig Maurer
Sean Mccormack
Linda C Mcdonnell
Steve Mceveety
Brian Meck
Evelina Meghnagi
Verena Mercenier
Paolo Merosi
Kevin Michaels
Jan Michelini
Mario Michisanti
Mauro Mieli
Scott Millan
Maurizio Millenotti
Emanuela Minoli
Riccardo Mioni
Stefano Mioni
Kelley Mitchell
Vera Mitchell
Film Details
Technical Specs
Award Nominations
Best Cinematography
Best Makeup
Best Score
Miscellaneous Notes
Winner of the 2004 Golden Reel Award for Best Sound Editing for Music in a Feature Film by the Motion Picture Sound Editors (MPSE).
Winner of the 2004 Satellite Award for Best Director by the International Press Academy (IPA).
Released in United States Winter February 25, 2004
Re-released in United States March 11, 2005
Released in United States on Video August 31, 2004
2005 re-release cut graphic scenes of Christ's crucifixion and other scenes of torture. Unable to secure a PG-13 rating, Newmarket Films will re-release the film unrated.
Released in United States Winter February 25, 2004
Re-released in United States March 11, 2005 (re-cut version)
Released in United States on Video August 31, 2004
Co-winner of the 2004 award for Freedom of Expression by the National Board of Review (NBR).