Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Jonathan Glazer
Nicole Kidman
Danny Huston
Lauren Bacall
Anne Heche
Cameron Bright
Film Details
Technical Specs
Anna is a young widow who is finally getting on with her life after the death of her husband, Sean. Now engaged to be married, Anna meets a ten-year-old boy who tells her he is Sean reincarnated. Though his story is both unsettling and absurd, Anna can't get the boy out of her mind. And much to the concern of her fiancée, her increased contact with him leads her to question the choices she has made in her life.
Jonathan Glazer

Nicole Kidman
Danny Huston

Lauren Bacall
Anne Heche
Cameron Bright
Peter Stormare
Arliss Howard
Alison Elliott
Ted Levine
Cara Seymour
Zoe Caldwell
Milo Addica
Michael Desautels
Charles Goff
Sheila Smith
Mary Catherine Wright
Elizabeth Greenberg
Tessa Auberjonois
Michael Joseoh Cortese
John Robert Tramutola
Jordan Lage
Margot Jewers
Matthew Giffuni
Ian Hoffberg
Laura Fallon
John Juback
Kavita Mangroo
Alexandra Salo
Hollis Jones
Libby Skala
Bruce Bennetis
Gregory Smith
T Ryder Smith
Ed Bogdanowicz
Jerry Fuentes
Greg Dunn
Lisa Barnes
Scott Rosenstock
Milo Addica
Robert Albertell
Jonathan Arkin
Christopher Austin
Henry Avelin
Stephen Baker
Antony Baldasare
Joe Bam
Cassandra Barbour
Michael Barosky
Johnny Batista
Michael Bederman
Ron Bedrosian
Cody Beke
Katherine E Beyda
Chris Bingham
Jake Birner
Bob Blair
Ian Blume
David Boulton
James Boyle
Joanna Brett
Jim Bridges
Dawn Bridgewater
Christophe Briquet
Paul Broucek
Steven Browell
Garrett Brown
Roy Bryson
Paul Buccosi
Dylan Bucossi
Pete Bucossi
Chris Buddy
Kristine Bulakowski
Peter Burgis
Johnnie Burn
Michael Cambria
Lynn Campbell
Julio Carmona
Caesar Carnevale
Jean-claude Carriere
Teresa Carriker-thayer
Laurie Cartwright
Francis Catalano
Joshua Chaplinsky
Mike Charles
Eric Cheripka
Krissopher Chevannes
Peter Cobbin
Peter Colavito
Eddy Collyns
Ed Colyer
Stephen Consentino
Paul Conway
David Copeland
Thomas Costabile
Erin Crackel
Tony Currie
Jessica Daniels
Matthew Danys
Lee David
Jon Davidson
Tom Debenham
Christopher Deblau
John Deblau
Rob Demar
Andie Derrick
Alexandre Desplat
Jack Deutchman
James P. Dolan
Jessica Dolinger
Catherine Domareki
Timothy Donohue
John Dunn
Marjorie Durand
Garett Edde
Guy Efrat
Jeff Egan
Alyson Evans
Roy Farfel
Jo Feakes
Debora Fearon
Laura Fearon
Alex Fenn
Aaron D Forste
Vic Fraser
Charles Furey
Sarah Rae Garrett
William Gastelum
Peter Gelfman
David Ginsberg
Rick Gioia
Emanuele Giraldo
Emily Glatter
Jonathan Glazer
Sharon Globerson
Julie Gold
Max Good
Christopher Goode
Thomas Gould
Lizie Gower
Frank Graziadei
Elizabeth Greenberg
Timothy Grimes
Michael Grosky
Craig Haagensen
Edith Hagigi
Paul Hamblin
Kevin Harrigan
Tom Harrison-read
Roland Heap
Timothy K Hendrickson
Stefan Henrix
Michael Herlihy
Mike Hernandez
Pedro Hernandez
Mildred Hill
Patty Hill
Stuart Hilliker
Elizabeth Himelstein
Erik Holmberg
Dianne Hylton
Kenton Jakub
Judy Jenson
Jacqui Kaese
Avy Kaufman
Kristan C Keck
James V Kent
Tom Kenyatta
Danny Robert Keton
Hinju Kim
Robin Koenig
William Kolpin
David Kramer
John Krause
Julie Kuehndorf
Jessica Lacy
Richard Lancaster
Sharif Laurent
Jody Levin
Lisa J Levine
Jessica Lichtner
Francis Lindsay
Clare Lord
Fionnuala Lynch
Bruce Maccallum
Ileen Maisel
Sue Mallet
Xavier Marchand
Stefanie Markman
Adrian Marler
Luis R Marroquin
Ginny Martino
Gary Martone
James Mather
Andrew Matthews
Gerard Mccann
Robert Mccann
Charles E Meere
Victor Meich
Meredith Mills
Damien Miseo
Monique Mitchell
Tim Monich
Nick Morris
Kellie Morrison
Talley Morse
Jack F Mortellaro
Jennifer Mount
Megan Murning
Leann Murphy
Kate Myers
Jennifer Alex Nickason
Gordon Nikolic
Ellen Novak
John Nyomarkay
Anne O'brien
Sean O'brien
Michael O'connor
Mark Ordesky
Kerry Orent
John Ottesen
Ron Ottesen
Chris Ann Pappas
Chris Patak
Christopher Patterson
Thomas Percarpio
Todd R Pfeiffer
Wiener Philharmoniker
Jean-louis Piel
Paul Prokop
Charles Quinlivan
Peter Raeburn
Peter Raeburn
Peter Raeburn
Joshua Ravetch
Dave Rees
Johnny Reeves
Malcolm Reid
Kevin M Ritter
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Fall October 29, 2004
Released in United States on Video April 19, 2005
Released in United States September 2004
Shown at Deauville Festival of American Cinema September 3-12, 2004.
Shown at Venice International Film Festival (in competition) September 1-11, 2004.
"Monster's Ball" (USA/2001) co-writer Milo Addica did a polish on the script to give it a more authentic New York feel.
Previously developed by Regency Enterprises. Acquired by Fine Line in October, 2002.
Released in United States Fall October 29, 2004
Released in United States on Video April 19, 2005
Released in United States September 2004 (Shown at Deauville Festival of American Cinema September 3-12, 2004.)
Released in United States September 2004 (Shown at Venice International Film Festival (in competition) September 1-11, 2004.)