The Unknown Soldier
Cast & Crew
Renaud Hoffman
Charles Emmett Mack
Marguerite De La Motte
Henry B. Walthall
Claire Mcdowell
George Cooper
Film Details

When the United States declares war on Germany in 1917, Fred Williams, a millworker in the little town of Homewood, leaves his sweetheart, Mary Phillips, enlists, and goes to France. At a variety show, Fred recognizes one of the dancers as Mary, who has joined the Entertainment Division; and she agrees to marry him the day before a troop advance. Too late to convey the fact to Fred she learns that the marriage ceremony was performed by a deserter who had disguised himself as a chaplain. At the front, Fred receives a letter from Mary telling him all, adding that she is with child and awaits his return at Loure; in desperation, he volunteers to contact American troops cut off between a farmhouse and Loure; he is successful but is wounded by a shell on his return and is assumed lost. When peace comes, Mary returns home with her child and is turned away by her father; at the burial of the unknown soldier in Arlington, however, Fred, a victim of shell shock, is reunited with Mary, and the parents are reconciled to the young couple.

Renaud Hoffman
Charles Emmett Mack

Marguerite De La Motte

Henry B. Walthall

Claire Mcdowell
George Cooper
Syd Crossley
Jess Devorska
Willis Marks

Film Details