North from the Lone Star

58m 1941

Brief Synopsis

Kirby is taking over Deadwood and his next victim is Wilson. But Wild Bill arrives just in time to foil Kirby's plan. Kirby makes Bill the town Marshal and Bill arrests Wilson when he shoots one of Kirby's men. It looks like Bill is on Kirby's side until he shuts down Kirby's saloon. This calls for a showdown and Bill and Cannonball go off to face Kirby and his gang,

Film Details

Release Date
Mar 31, 1941
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Columbia Pictures Corp.
Distribution Company
Columbia Pictures Corp.
United States

Technical Specs

Mono (Western Electric Mirrophonic Recording)
Black and White
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
1.37 : 1
Film Length


When corrupt entrepeneur "Flash" Kirby and his men take over the town of Deadwood, Clint Wilson and his sister Madge decide to auction off their stable of horses and leave town. After Kirby tries to intimidate Clint into selling the stables to him, Cannonball, a friend of the Wilsons', sends a telegram to his old pal, Wild Bill Hickok, asking him to come to Deadwood. On the day of the auction, Bill rides into town and watches as "Rawhide" Fenton, one of Kirby's men, bids one dollar for a horse. The townsfolk, fearful of Kirby's thugs, are afraid to bid against Rawhide, and so Bill makes a legitimate offer for the horse. When Rawhide challenges Bill, a fight ensues, and Bill is victorious. Later, Bill goes to Kirby's land office to buy some ranch land. Kirby refuses him the land but offers to make him marshal, thinking that he will be able to control Bill. Bill refuses Kirby's offer and is about leave town when he learns that Rawhide has been trying to frighten Madge into selling the stables to him. Concerned, Bill strides back into Kirby's office and accepts the job. As Kirby toasts Bill's new appointment, Clint, angry, challenges Spike, one of Kirby's thugs, to a gunfight. Clint draws first and shoots Spike, and when Bill finds Clint, gun in hand, he arrests him and holds him for trial. Believing that Bill is working for Kirby, Madge rallies a mob to storm the jail and demand Clint's release. After dispersing the crowd, Bill instructs Cannonball to take Clint and ride out of town. Bill then goes to the saloon to talk to Kirby, but is told by Rawhide that Kirby is out of town. While he is there, Bill notices that the roulette wheel has been fixed and orders Rawhide to close down the gambling tables. When Rawhide refuses, a fight ensues, after which Bill arrests Rawhide for obstructing the law. Upon returning to town, Kirby finds his casino in shambles and Rawhide in jail, and demands that Bill get out of town. Soon after, Cannonball runs into the sheriff's office and annnounces that Clint has escaped. As Bill prepares to confront Kirby, Lucy Belle, a dance hall girl who is infatuated with Bill, appears and warns him that Kirby and his men are waiting in ambush at the stables. Just then, Clint bursts into the office, and after knocking him unconscious, Bill leaves him in Lucy Belle's custody while he and Cannonball go to the stables to face Kirby. After Clint regains consciousness, Lucy Belle informs him of Bill's courage and integrity, and Clint, realizing that he has misjudged Bill, hurries to the stables to join the fight. As Clint strides in the door, Kirby wounds him, but before collapsing, Clint shoots Kirby. Bereft of their leader, Kirby's men surrender and peace is restored to Deadwood. Bill then pins the marshal's badge on Cannonball and rides off to bring law and order to another outpost of the West.

Film Details

Release Date
Mar 31, 1941
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Columbia Pictures Corp.
Distribution Company
Columbia Pictures Corp.
United States

Technical Specs

Mono (Western Electric Mirrophonic Recording)
Black and White
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
1.37 : 1
Film Length




Modern sources add Tex Cooper to the cast. For additional information on the "Wild Bill Hickok" series, please consult the Series Index and see the entry above for Across the Sierras.