Jungle Cat

Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
James Algar
Winston Hibler
James Algar
Lloyd Beebe
Robert O. Cook
Walt Disney
Film Details
Technical Specs

Cats have been a friend to man throughout antiquity, beginning with the Egyptian society. Even tame cats, however, evidence signs of their wild ancestry, often hunting small prey. Wild cats range from lions, which often symbolize power, to swift leopards and cougars; the most unusual, however, is the South American jaguar, or jungle cat. The jaguar is quintessential in its grace, perseverance, beauty and strength. Making "a career of assassination," the jaguar lives in the Brazilian Amazon rain forest, home to oversized vegetation, over 300,000 species of plants, countless waterfalls and exotic fauna. Animals include monkeys, giant lizards, colorful birds such as toucans, parrots and macaws, a species of crocodile called the jacare, flamingos and huge, muscular snakes. Jaguars are nomadic loners who fight any other cat who dares to invade their marked-out territory. Although one cat fight appears to be vicious, it is soon revealed to be a courtship ritual between a spotted female and an ebony male. One hundred days later, the pair has two cubs, one resembling the mother and the other, the father. The mother patiently teaches the cubs to swim, a proclivity unusual for cats, and to hunt. Nearby, the native otter playfully bothers the capybara, a large, slow-moving rodent, and an air-burping fish called the pirarocu. When the male jaguar sees the pirarocu, he pursues it with lethal grace, overcoming it despite the fish's larger size. Soon, the cubs hunt on their own, chasing parakeets and baby monkeys. Upon finding a tapir, a fatty, vegetarian relative of the rhinoceros, the cats track it but are soon distracted by a peccary, or wild pig. Although the pig is vicious, the two adult jaguars work in tandem to defeat it. In the trees, the lesser anteater, or tamadua, eats ants and termites by the hundreds. Its prehensile tail allows it to remain aloft, out of reach of the cats. When two tamaduas meet, they face off in upright positions of aggression. On the ground, the giant anteater scoops ants with a long, sticky tail. The jaguar is its only enemy, and in one fight, the anteater manages to escape, then hides in the soil, covered by its bushy tail. Meanwhile, the mother cat trains the youngsters how to deal with their main foe, the crocodile. The cubs watch their mother tease and fight the deadly reptile, pitting her cleverness against its brute strength. With the help of the male jaguar, the cats are able to subdue and kill the crocodile by biting the back of its neck and drowning it. Vegetarian monkeys abound in the jungle, subsisting off the plentiful food in the treetops. They are expert acrobats and inveterate jokesters, teasing the nearby boa constrictors and baby toucans, who cannot yet fly. Marmosets and tamarinds are cousins of the monkey, and come in many different varieties. When one bothers a tree boa, it is tolerated briefly, then killed. High above these animals lives the sloth, an extremely slow-moving mammal that subsists on one species of tree leaf. When one falls to the ground, its laborious movement makes it an easy target for predators, but once in the tree, it can move to the outer reaches of lightweight branches to escape heavier enemies. One sloth family is beset by monkeys, which shake its branches until one of the sloths falls in the water, while another is chased by a jaguar, but finally eludes her grasp. In order to protect her children, the jaguar turns her attention to a boa constrictor, batting at it so it will turn and allow her access to its neck. Soon her mate arrives to help, and together they battle the heavy snake. After killing it, they ignore the dead body. As tropical rains deluge the jungle, the cats return to their everyday pursuits.

James Algar
James Algar
Lloyd Beebe
Robert O. Cook
Walt Disney
Ub Iwerks
Evelyn Kennedy
Joshua Meador
Norman Palmer
Art Riley
James R. Simon
Clifford Vaughan
Erwin L. Verity
Oliver Wallace
Hugh A. Wilmar

Film Details
Technical Specs

Jungle Cat
Jungle Cat, written and directed by James Algar and narrated by Winston Hibler, chronicles the life of a female spotted jaguar in the jungles of Brazil, where she and her family fight for survival among such creatures as crocodiles, wild pigs and a seven-foot-long carnivorous fish called a pirarucu. Viewers accustomed to more realistic documentaries on the Discovery Channel and Animal Planet may find the portrayal of jungle animals to be unduly human-like, but that's part of the innocent charm of this early example of filmed nature study.
A team of three photographers (James R. Simon, Hugh A. Wilmar and Lloyd Beebe) reportedly spent more than two years in Brazil to capture the footage for the movie, with the humidity and heat of the jungle posing constant threats to equipment and the film itself. Like other True-Life Adventures, Jungle Cat opens with a paintbrush creating an image - this time of an ancient Egyptian cat. The narrative moves on to domesticated felines, then to their wild relatives who must hunt to survive. Among other animals portrayed in the film are anteaters, lizards, monkeys, otters, sloths, snakes and various exotic birds.
The jaguar, the third-largest feline after the tiger and the lion and the largest in the Americas, resembles a leopard with its spots (although some are black like panthers) and is described in the film as a "careerist in assassination." The film shows the graceful cats battling with each other, stalking their prey, protecting their young and, in the case of the female jaguar at the center of the film, cuddling with her ebony-colored mate and her two babies (one of each color).
The mischievous monkeys provide comic relief by tormenting toucans and toying with the tail of a boa constrictor. Figuring in the suspenseful climactic sequence are sloths who try in their own sluggish way to survive an unwelcome dunking in water and the prowling of a hungry jaguar. Like its predecessors in the series, Jungle Cat was critically well-received. Howard Thompson wrote in The New York Times that the film "is striking on two counts. Although it unflinchingly stalks the king killers of the Amazonian rainforests, savagery is conveyed with a minimum of actual gore. Furthermore, Mr. Disney's expert color photographers mange to balance the perennial jungle war with truly fascinating vignettes on the side - as the opponents, tiny and huge, glide in out of the footage."
Thompson sums up by describing the film as "one of Mr. Disney's best - intimate, tasteful, strong and matter-of-fact."
By Roger Fristoe

Jungle Cat
James Algar's opening credit reads: "Written and directed by." A written acknowledgment in the opening credits reads: "With the cooperation of the government of Brazil and the Smithsonian Institution." As with the previous feature-length "True-Life Adventure" films, Jungle Cat begins with an animated paintbrush that illustrates the historical details narrated by Winston Hibler.
According to a July 1959 Daily Variety news item, the film took more than two years to shoot and was near completion by July 1959. All photography, according to studio press materials, took place over an expanse of 2,000 miles of the Amazon jungle of Brazil, in the forest, along the shore of the Amazon River, and in the air.
As noted in an August 1960 Los Angeles Mirror article, one of Jungle Cat's three photographers, Hugh A. Wilmar, died in an auto accident as he was leaving Brazil. The film, which opened to mixed reviews, was the last of the Disney "True-Life Adventure" features. For more information about the series, please see the entry below for The Living Desert and consult the Series Index.