Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Oliver Stone
Laird Macintosh
Angelina Jolie
Raz Degan
Annelise Hesme
Tadhg Murphy
Film Details
Technical Specs
The true story of one of history's most luminous and influential leaders, Alexander the Great--a man who had conquered 90% of the known world by the age of twenty-seven. Alexander led his virtually invincible Greek and Macedonian armies through 22,000 miles of sieges and conquests in just eight years, and by the time of his death at the age of thiry-two had forged an empire unlike any the world had ever seen. The story chronicles Alexander's path to becoming a living legend, from a youth fueled by dreams of myth, glory and adventure to his lonely death as a ruler of a vast Empire. Alexander is the incredible story of a life that united the Known World and proved, if nothing else, fortune favors the bold.
Oliver Stone
Laird Macintosh
Angelina Jolie
Raz Degan
Annelise Hesme
Tadhg Murphy
Francisco Bosch
Connor Paolo
Fiona O'shaughnessy
Ian Beattie
David Bedella
Aleczander Gordon
Erol Sander
Stephane Ferrara
Jean Le Duc
Gary Stretch
Elliot Cowan
Marie Meyer
Val Kilmer
Rory Mccann
Peter Williamson
Nick Dunning
Jessie Kamm
Anthony Hopkins
Bin Bunluerit
Jaran Ngamdee
Morgan Christopher Ferris
Harry Kent
Brian Mcgrath
Rab Afleck
Dominique Lemonnier
Toby Kebbell
John Kavanagh
Rosario Dawson
Chris Aberdein
Brian Blessed
Tim Pigott-smith
Robert Earley
Ftodor Atkine
Joseph Morgan
Christopher Plummer
Mick Lally
Sam Green
Denis Conway
Colin Farrell
Patrick Carroll
Jared Leto
Tsouli Mohammed
Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Michael Dixon
Neil Jackson
Garrett Lombard
Aurelia Abate
Christopher Aberdein
Noureddine Aberdine
Chadi Abo
Abdellah Abou
Ahmed Abounouom
Toufiz Abouoayd
Karim Abouobayd
Rene Adefarasin
Jeanette Agaronoff
Nicolas Aithadi
Xavier Allard
Phyl Allarie
Phil Allchin
David Allday
Gaelle Allen
Dr. Lyndsay Allen
Rob Allen
Alistair Anderson
Beatrix Archer
Jan Archibald
Said Arhmizza
Vincent Arnardi
Luis Miguel Arranz
Luis Miguel Arranz Losa
Martin Asbury
Mohamed Atbir
Catherine Athon
Christine Atkinson
Frederic Attal
Marshall Aver
Selim Azzazi
Abdallah Baadil
Thomas Bahloul
Emma Bailey
Norman Baillie
David Balfour
Christine Ball
Marta Barahona
Frederic Barbe
Abigail Barbier
Nicolas Barbieux
Sam Barnes
Russell Barnett
Olivier Barre
Bryan Baverstock
Jenny Beavan
Xavier Bec
Djelloul Bekri
Stephanie Bell
Joel Belsham
Salaheddine Benchegra
Emma Bendell
Mona Benjamin
Mark Bennett
Peter Bennett
Damien Bera
Thibault Berard
Odile Beraud
John Bernard
Nicolas Bernard
Pascal Berthe
Nikki Berwick
Brian Best
Jacqueline Bhavnani
Younes Alouani Bibi
Alice Biddle
Karine Binaux
Frederick Blacher
Christian Black
John Blakeley
Vincent Blanque
Robert Bliss
Charles Bodycomb
Eric Bonnard
Nicolas Bonnell
David Bonneywell
Warwick Boole
Moritz Borman
Karl Bosley
Annabelle Boudineau
Loic Bouineau
Abdelkrim Boukhoubiane
Khalid Boulasri
Ronald Boullet
Stephane Bourdageau
Julien Bourdeau
Nicolas Bourgeois
Katia Boutin
Roger Bowles
Lucy Bowring
Tony Boxall
Sarah Bradshaw
Stuart Bray
Tom Brewster
Stephane Briand
Pierre Brien
Simon Brindle
Christophe Briquet
Andre Brizard
Jean-loup Bro
David Brochard
Adam Brockbank
Nathan Brookes
Peter Brown
Robert Brown
Zoe Brown
Jeremie Brudieux
Billy Budd
Mick Buddle
Richard Buddle
Pierre Buffin
Julien Buisseret
Jaap Buitendijk
Suzanne Bullock
Anita Burger
Al Burgess
Rosemary Burrows
James Busby
Stuart Bushell
Eddie Butler
Sean Button
Jayne Buxton
Florent Cadel
Julian Caldow
Claudio Campana
James Campion
Dominic Capon
Jordi Cardus
Ryan Carey
Tristan Carlisle-kitz
Antoine Carlon
Budd Carr
Cristina Casali
Donna Casey
John Casey
Lionel Cassan
Joe Cassar
Olivier Cauwet
Mari-an Ceo
Stephane Ceretti
Usha Chaman
Sophia Chaoui
Catherine Charlton
Frederic Chartier
Eve Chauvet
Emmanuel Che
David Cheesman
Arnaud Chelet
Mehdi Cherif
Nicolas Chevallier
Nana Chiabaut
Colin Childs
Colin Childs
Lek Chunsutiwat
Annob Chusri
Temple Clark
Terry Clotiaux
Simon Cockren
Samuel Cohen
Gurwal Coic-gallas
Marlon Cole
Rebecca Cole
Bernard Collins
Philippe Colonna
Philippe Colonna
Yves Comeliau
Sean Connor
Stuart Conran
Cyril Contejean
Paul Conway
Rodney 'rj' Cook
Ben Cooke
Charlotte Copson
Maria Cork
Greg Corke
Marco Cornelius
Vincent Cosson
Danielle Costa
Steve Costello
Charlie Cottrell
Capucine Courau
Gisele Courcoux
Finlay Cowan
Terence Cox
Angela Creasor
Stephane Cressend
Nicolas Criqui
Joshua Critcher
Simon Crook
Desmond Crowe
Dick Crowley
Ricardo Cruz
Gary Cue
Patrick Cullen
Steve Cullingford
Clare Cunningham
Charles Currier
Robin D'arcy
Jean Francois D'izarny
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Fall November 24, 2004
Released in United States on Video August 2, 2005
Heath Ledger was previously attached to star.
In early April, 2003 Oliver Stone travelled to Northern India to shoot background footage.
Competing project "Alexander the Great" at Universal/Fox with Baz Luhrmann attached to direct and Leonardo DiCaprio to star.
Released in United States Fall November 24, 2004
Released in United States on Video August 2, 2005