Fantasia 2000
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Gaetan Brizzi
Bette Midler
Angela Lansbury
James Earl Jones
Steve Martin
James Levine
Film Details
Technical Specs
Walt Disney's dream of creating a "concert film" with a perpetually changing musical repertoire is at last realized with the debut of the animated extravaganza, "Fantasia/2000." The film introduces seven spectacular new animated sequences set to the music of the masters and spotlights the return of "The Sorcerer's Apprentice," a milestone piece of animation which was the genesis of the 1940 feature. Created over a nine-year period and utilizing the talents of a new generation of top animation talents, "Fantasia/2000" takes viewers on a journey into the imagination using incredible animated imagery, exquisite classical music and state-of-art technology.
Gaetan Brizzi
Don Hahn
Hendel Butoy
Paul Brizzi
Eric Goldberg
Francis Glebas
James Algar
Pixote Hunt

Bette Midler

Angela Lansbury

James Earl Jones

Steve Martin
James Levine

Quincy Jones
Yefim Bronfman
Itzhak Perlman
Penn & Teller
Ralph Grierson
John Aardal
Lia Abbate
Laurence Adam-bessiere
Janette Adams
Kevin Adams
Susan Adnopoz
Raul Aguirre
Joyce Davidson Alexander
Graham S Allan
Tim Allen
Wayne Allwine
Carmen Regina Alvarez
Leyla C Amaro-pelaez
Jessica Ambinder-rojas
Todd H Ammons
Hans Christian Andersen
Scott Anderson
Bill Andres
Tony Anselmo
Tony Anselmo
Sunny Apinchapong
Sean Applegate
Ruben Azama Aquino
Virgilio John Aquino
Debbie Armstrong
John A Armstrong
Barry Atkinson
Kenneth Au
Mary Jo Ayers
Mary Jo Ayers
William Aylsworth
Rasoul Azadani
Hans Bacher
Michael Bagley
Robert Bagley
Kathleen M Bailey
D Jay Baker
Gordon Baker
James Baker
Thomas Baker
George Ball
Linda Barcolo
Richard M Barnes
Kathleen Battle
Jeff Beazley
Graham Bebbington
Loni Beckner-black
Jared Beckstrand
Ludwig Van Beethoven
James Beihold
Nancy Beiman
Linda Bel
Allison Belliveau-proulx
George Benavides
Mannix Bennet
Doug Bennett
Kathleen Bennett
Richard A Benoit
Theresa Bentz
Bill Berg
Paul F Bernard
Kevin Bertazzon
James C Bette
Patricia Billings
Derek M C Billins
Phyllis Bird
Preston Blair
Russell Blandino
Diana Blazer
S J Bleick
David M. Blum
Mike Blum
Cyndy Bohonovsky
Michael Bolds
Jamie Kezlarian Bolio
Daniel Bond
Nicolette Bonnell
Jennifer Booth
Roberta Lee Borchardt
David A Bossert
Patsy L Bouge
Claire Bourdin
Daniel Bowman
David Braden
Mike Brassell
Holly E Bratton
April Brennan
L Cliff Brett
Jo Ann Breuer
Liza Breuninger
Eduard Brieno
Ernesto Brieno
Philippe Briones
Gaetan Brizzi
Gaetan Brizzi
Paul Brizzi
Paul Brizzi
Brad Brooks
Bruce Broughton
Bruce Broughton
Kristine Brown
Mark A Brown
Tara Joan Brown
Janet Bruce
Marek Buchwald
Kirsten A Bulmer
Letha L Burchard
Kimberly Burk
Serge Bussone
Eamonn Butler
Hendel Butoy
Darrin Butters
Joey Calderon
Ofra Afuta Calderon
Carl Canga
Scott Caple
James Capobianco
Rodolfo Cardenas-rios
Patricia Carlin
Wayne Carlisi
Mark R Carlson
John L Carnochan
Toni Pace Carstensen
Hortensia M Casagran
Roberto Casale
Camille Cavallin-fay
Darko Cesar
Lawrence Chai
Crew Chamberlain
Brenda Chapman
Christophe Charbonnel
Christine Chatal-poli
Ray Chen
Farouk Cherfi
Karen N China
Jerry Yu Ching
Chang Yei Cho
Rikki Chobanian
Inna Chon
Pamela J. Choy
Loren Chun
Peter L Chun
Wesley Chun
Les Clark
Peter Clarke
Casey Clayton
Sandro Lucio Cleuzo
Stephanie L Clifford
Claude Coats
Diana Coco
Tom Codrick
Susan M Coffer
Casey Coffey
Ron Cohee
Philip M Cohen
Shawn Colbeck
Karen Comella
Patti Conklin
Regina Conroy
Lisa C Cook
Dan Cooper
Dan Cooper
Tod Cooper
Alain Costa
Annamarie Costa
Bruce Coughlin
Patricia Coveny-rees
Ben Croy
Stephen Csillag
John R Cunningham
David Cutler
Sherrie Cuzzort
Sybil Elaine Cuzzort
Florida D'ambrosio
Val D'arcy
Ugo D'orsi
Lea Dahlen
Bill Davis
Jamal M Davis
Lisa Davis
Nicole De Bellefroid
Louise De La Fuente
Guy Deel
Andreas Deja
Jeroen Dejonckheere
Yann Delpuech
Albert Dempster
Daphne Dentz
Patrick Denver
John Derderian
Anthony Derosa
Robert Edward Dettloff
Angela A Diamos
Frank Dietz
Mike Disa
Roy Edward Disney
Armando Dominguez
Carla Donah
Sasha Dorogov
Don Dougherty
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States July 2000 (Shown at Karlovy Vary International Film Festival July 5-15, 2000.)
Released in United States on Video November 14, 2000
Released in United States December 1999 (World premiere tour (with live orchestra accompaniment) in London, Paris, Tokyo, New York City and Pasadena, California December 1999.)
Released in United States December 17, 1999 (World premiere in New York City (Carnegie Hall) December 17, 1999.)
Winner of the 2000 Vision Award from the Producer's Guild of America.
Released in United States December 17, 1999
Released in United States December 1999
Released in United States July 2000
Released in United States on Video November 14, 2000
Released in United States Winter January 1, 2000
Shown at Karlovy Vary International Film Festival July 5-15, 2000.
Began shooting October 1993.
Film featured traditional cel animation in combination with computer generated animation.
Film marks first full-length animated feature to be formatted and exhibited in IMAX theaters.
Six new segments, each from separate directors and creative teams, will be combined with footage from the original 1940 "Fantasia."
The 1940 version of "Fantasia" cost $2.2 million to film.
The film marks the first time in Walt Disney Studios' history that a motion picture has had a simultaneous worldwide release in 16 different countries.
Released in United States Winter January 1, 2000