The Matrix Reloaded
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Lilly Wachowski
Keanu Reeves
Carrie-anne Moss
Laurence Fishburne
Harold Perrineau
Christine Anu
Film Details
Technical Specs
In this second chapter of the "Matrix" trilogy, Neo assumes greater command of his extraordinary powers as Zion falls under siege to the Machine Army. Only a matter of hours separates the last human enclave on Earth from 250,000 Sentinels programmed to destroy mankind. But the citizens of Zion, emboldened by Morpheus' conviction that the One will fulfill the Oracle's Prophecy and end the war with the Machines, rest all manner of hope and expectation on Neo, who finds himself stalled by disturbing visions as he searches for a course of action. Strengthened by their love for each other and their belief in themselves, Neo and Trinity choose to return to the Matrix with Morpheus and unleash their arsenal of extraordinary skills and weaponry against the systematic forces of repression and exploitation. But there exist powerful figures within the Matrix who refute the artifice of choice, evading the responsibility it brings as they feed on the emotional truths of others. Meanwhile, there are exiles like Agent Smith, whose inexorable connection to Neo compels him to disobey the system that has called for his deletion. Driven by the humanity he once despised, Smith will consume everything in his path on his quest for revenge. On his treacherous journey toward further insight into the construct of the Matrix and his pivotal role in the fate of mankind, Neo will confront greater resistance, an even greater truth and a more impossible choice than he ever imagined. At the confluence of love and truth, faith and knowledge, purpose and reason, Neo must follow the course he has chosen.

Keanu Reeves
Carrie-anne Moss
Laurence Fishburne
Harold Perrineau
Christine Anu
Ray Anthony
Clayton Watson
Anthony Brandon Wong
Tahei Simpson
Darrel Heath
Paul Cotter
John Walton
Helmut Bakaitis
Maurya Kerr
Kelly Butler
Valerie Berry
Attila Davidhazy
Ian Bliss
Bill Maxwell
Essie Davis
Nona Gaye
Josh Mbakwe
David Roberts
Monique Strauss
David Franklin
Jada Pinkett Smith
Hugo Weaving
Daniel Bernhardt
Donald Battee
Lambert Wilson
Malcolm Kennard
Jenifer Golden
Andrew Valli
Nicandro Thomas
Tory Mussett
Steve Morris
Collin Chou
Cornel West
Nash Edgerton
Andy Arness
Neil Rayment
Kevin Mcmanus
Michael Budd
Terrell Dixon
Shane Rodrigo
Brandon Freeman
Matt Mccolm
Aidan O'keeffe
Leigh Whannell
Randall Duk Kim

Anthony Zerbe
Adrian Rayment
Rupert Reid
Peter Lamb
Kevin C. Scott
Robyn Nevin
Scott Mclean
Roy Jones
Gina Torres
Austin Galuppo
Frankie Stevens
Christopher Kirby
Socratis Otto
Michael E Cole
Stoney Burke
Tony Lynch
Steve Vella
Harry Lennix
Steve Bastoni
Chae Hill
Marlene Cummins

Gloria Foster
Rene Naufahu
Yukie Fujimoto
Guy Masek
Silfredo Lao Vigo
Chris Mitchell
Monica Bellucci
Nick Scoggin
Gary Cameron
Montano Rain
Nathaniel Lees
Liliana Bogatko
Tammy Cheney
Noris Campos
Alima Ashton-sheibu
Nick Bernyk
David No
David Kilde
Genevieve O'reilly
Josephine Byrnes
Damon L White
Sergio Garcia Abad
Chadi Abo
Lauren Abrams
Kerry Achurch
David Acord
Joshua Adams
Matthew Adams
Matthew Adams
Roswitha Adldinger
Richard Adrian
Richard Adrian
Paul Adzic
Tim Ahern
Jessica Alan
Daniel Albanese
Kenny Alexander
Guy Allain
John Allan
John Allan
Eric Allard
Jeff Allen
Jeff Allen
Joseph Allen
Volker Allert
Craig Alpert
Mark Alston
Hank Amos
Amanda Amphlett
Chris Anderson
Gordon Anderson
Grant Anderson
Kristen Anderson
Steven E Anderson
Brian Andrew-tunstall
Jesse Andrewartha
Christian T Andrews
Mary-liz Andrews
Shannon Anthoness
Debbie Antoniou
Michael D Antunez
Mayumi Arakaki
Charlie Araki
Emilio Aramendia
Dennis Archer
Sandi Archer
Saundra Marie Ardito
Saundra Marie Ardito
Libby Argus
Allan Ariniduque
Daniel Arkin
Anna Armilla
Oliver Arnold
Vaughn Arnup
Robert Arthur
Deb Asch
Andrew Ascough
Margaret Aston
Courtney Atinsky
Angaline Atkins
Ezra Atkins
Steve Avoujageli
Nathan Ayers
Matt Ayliffe
Billy Aziz
Jerome Bacquet
Thomas Bade
Drew Bailey
Jason Baird
John S Baker
Thad Baker
Wayne Baker
William Baker
Richard Baldwin
Nick Bali
Benjamin Ball
Stephen Balliet
Mark Barber
Aaron Barclay
Tony Bardolph
Sandra Bardwell
Beth Bargas
Emma Barham
Kevin Barham
Nancy Barker
Patricia Barker
Andrew Barnett
Tom Barone
David M. Barrett
John Barrett
Kym Barrett
Lyndon J Barrois
Niel Barron
Brett Bartlett
Dave Bartlett
Alexander Barton
Corin Bateup
Hugh Bateup
Thomas Baumann
Gloria Bava
Peter Baxter
Peter Baxter
Jonathan Beament
Jim Beard
Jim Beard
Graham Beatty
Carl Beaumont
James Beaumonte
Xavier Bec
Christo Beck
Clancy Lee Beck
Keir Beck
Michael Becker
Michael Becker
Lyall Beckham
Bill Beemer
Benjamin Beikoff
Nils Bendix
Carly Benedet
John Bennett
Shane Bennett
Jeffrey Benoit
Jason Bentley
Shareen Beringer
Roy Berkowitz
Bruce Berman
Niki Bern
Jim Berney
Gloria Berra
Damien Berwick
Daniel Besocke
Simon Bethune
Catherine Bever
Scott Bever
J Chuck Biagio
Ian Bickerton
Don Bies
Matt Bilski
Vlad Bina
Ian Bird
Colette Birrell
David Birrell
Alicia Bissinger
Alicia Bissinger
Nic Blackwood
Jonathan Blake
Robbie Blance
Emmanuel Blasset
Michael Blaze
Matt Blea
Justin Bles
Genevieve Blewitt
Christopher Boatwright
Ben Bohling
Jason Boland
Gary Bonnar
Beau Bonneau
Nicolette Bonnell
John Bonnin
Jonathon Booth
Francois Bordez
Paul Borne
George Borshukov
Mark Bosia
Glenn Boswell
David Bouillez
Steven Bovaird
Simon Bowland
Bob Bowles
Virginia Bowman
John Bowring
Kris Boxell
Simon Boyd
Tracy Boyko
Jason Brackett
Giles Bradbury
Karen Bradley
Carl Braga
Karen Brakenridge
Todd Bray
Mike Brazelton
Mike Brazelton
Winston Brearley
Dan Breckwoldt
Andre Bremer
Valary Bremier
Thom Brennan
Jason Bright
Herman Bron
Dan Bronson
Matthew Brooks
Phil Brotherton
Phil Brotherton
Al Broussard
David Brown
David Brown
Geoff Brown
Justin Brown
Mark Brown
Michael Brown
Mimi Brown
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Winner of two 2003 awards indluding Best Single Visual Effect of the Year in any Medium and Outstanding Visual Effects Photography in a Motion Picture by the Visual Effects Society (VES).
Grammy-nominated R&B singer and actress Aaliyah died at the age of 22 in a plane crash on Saturday August 25, 2001. Aaliyah, the singing sensation whose full name was Aaliyah Haughton, was to have a small role as the character "Zee" in this sequel, "The Matrix: Reloaded", and a larger role in the third installment: "The Matrix 3".
Released in United States Spring May 15, 2003
Released in United States on Video October 14, 2003
Sequel to "The Matrix" (USA/1999), written and directed by Larry and Andy Wachowski and starring Keanu Reeves.
Jet Li was previously attached to star.
Keanu Reeves reportedly received $30 million for the two sequels.
Larry and Andy Wachowski reportedly receive $10 million to write and direct the two sequels.
Keanu Reeves reportedly received $30 million for the two sequels.
Larry and Andy Wachowski will shoot back-to-back sequels over a 250 day production schedule.
"The Matrix: Reloaded" and "The Matrix: Revolutions" were shot simultaneously.
IMAX will be releasing a giant screen version of "The Matrix Reloaded" on 44 screens beginning June 6, 2003.
Gloria Foster, who was to reprise her role as The Oracle, died at the age of 64 due to diabetes complications on October 9, 2001.
Warner Bros. pulled all the effects shots done by Centropolis Effects in "The Matrix: Reloaded" and "The Matrix: Revolutions" and reassigned them to Sony Pictures Imageworks.
Released in United States Spring May 15, 2003
Released in United States on Video October 14, 2003