Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
James M Arnett
Matthew Mcconaughey
Bill Paxton
Harvey Keitel
Jon Bon Jovi
Peter Stark
Film Details
Technical Specs
April 1942: Hitler's U-Boats are wreaking havoc in the Atlantic and destroying Allied shipping up and down the United States' East coast. Unable to crack the U-Boat radio codes, the U.S. struggles blindly against the German onslaught -- that is until the crew aboard the S-33, a vintage World War I submarine, is assigned a dangerous mission that, if successful, will have the power to turn the tide of battle permanently. Led by Commander Mike Dahlgren and Lt. Andrew Tyler, the S-33 crew is ordered to capture Enigma, the German's top-secret coding device. To bait the Germans, the S-33 is rigged to resemble a stranded Nazi U-Boat. If all goes according to plan, the crew will take the Germans as prisoners and steal Enigma -- if the plan fails, nine U.S. soldiers will be trapped in a submarine in the middle of hostile, enemy waters with little or no chance of survival.

Matthew Mcconaughey

Bill Paxton

Harvey Keitel
Jon Bon Jovi
Peter Stark
Dave Power
Robert Lahoda
Rob Allyn
Dina De Laurentiis
Oliver Stokowski
Sergeant William John Evans
Kai Maurer
Erik Palladino
T.c. Carson
Arnd Klawitter
Rebecca Tilney
Eric Ramirez
David Keith
Jake Weber
Jack Noseworthy
Gunther Wuerger
Burnell Tucker
Jasper Wood
Carolyna De Laurentiis
Thomas Guiry
Robin Askwith
Oliver Osthus
Valentina Adreatini
Martin Glade
Carsten Voigt
Corporal John William Falconer
Erich Redman
Will Estes
Matthew Settle
Derk Cheetwod
Thomas Kretschmann
Corporal Cory Glen Mathews
Jan H. Aaris
Daniel Acon
Peter Adamietz
Monica Amadori
Edmondo Amati
Fabrizio Amendola
Controammiraglio Tommaso Angelino
Gordon Antell
Pete Anthony
Mark Aquilina
Seth Arnett
Gaetano Avvisato
David Ayer
Bruce Babcock
Petra Back
Giampaolo Bagala
Mario Bagnato
Danny Bailey
Lieutenant Commander David Balme
Marc Banich
Donald Banks
Lawrence Barbara
Maria Teresa Barbasso
Ross Baxter
Angela Beale
Jayme Bednarczyk
Maura Bellini
Peter Bergland
Michele Bergstrom
Giuseppe Bertucci
Donna Berwick
Gary Bierend
Keith Bilderbeck
Annick Biltresse
Danilo Bollettini
Luisa Bonello
Robert Bonillas
Rebecca Booth
Valerio Borgia
Paolo Bovi
Linda Bowen
Brian Bradley
Umberto Bramucci
Robert H Branham
Julian Bratolyubov
Paul Brehme
Al Broussard
Lisa Burnside
Graziella Camenzuli
Patrick Camilleri
Sabrina Canale
Ezio Canesso
Cristian Caporale
Franco Caporale
Inti Carboni
Massimo Cardajoli
Guiseppe Carrozza
Roberto Carrozza
Alfred Caruana
Alfred Caruana
Kenneth Cassar
Mario Cassar
Anna Cenciarelli
Enzo Cera
John Chaney
Aldo Chessari
Alfred Chircop
Laurence Chircop
Bruno Colanzi
Vito Consoli
Giorgio Conti
Gary Coppola
Gilbert M Correa
Antonio Corridori
Maurizio Corridori
Gina B Cranham
James B Crawford
Maurizio Cremisini
Massimo Cristofanelli
Giulia Chiara Crugnola
Andrea Dallimonti
Sandy De Crescent
Dino De Laurentiis
Martha De Laurentiis
Gioncarlo De Leonardis
Gino De Rossi
Francesca De Simone
Roderick Debattista
Brad Dechter
Eloisa Delaurentiis
Elisabetta Deleonardis
Shirley Delovich
Umberto Dessena
Lucio Di Comenico
Francesco Di Giacomo
Adriano Di Lorenzo
Roberto Diamanti
Karen Dimmig
Joe Donaldson
Galliano Donati
Peter Donen
Michael Douglas
Kate Dowd
Dianne Dreyer
Peter Duerst
Christian Dwiggins
David Dwiggins
Eva Eastman
Mike Edmonson
Dave Ellin
Antonello Emidi
Edwin Escobar
Roberto Espinoza
Claudio Fabbriani
Franco Fabietti
Giuseppe Falcone
Stefano Falivene
Luigi Ferraioli
Carla Ferroni
April Ferry
Frank Fleming
Alfonso Flores
Mario Francini
Renato Francola
Antonio Fraulo
Hector Freeman
Rita Galea
Antonio Gasbarrini
Tim Gedemer
Sandy Gendler
Paola Genovese
Daniela Giovannoni
Bill Glesne
Benny Goodman And His Orchestra
Astrid M Gotuzzo
Robert Gould
Alberto Grassi
Augusto Grassi
Giampietro Grassi
Lawrence Grech
Mark Gustawes
Allen L Hall
Matthew Hall
Oscar Hammerstein Ii
Vice Admiral Patrick Hannifin
Lorenz Hart
Richard O Helmer
Tai Hereora
Karina Hickman
Connie Hill
Cindy Jo Hinkleman
Rick Holman
Greg Hooper
David Horner
Alfredo Iannone
Sacha Ippoliti
Askia Won-ling Jacob
Brian W Jennings
Brian W Jennings
Jon Johnson
Christopher Jones
Captain Harry L. Julian
Harry L. Julian
Hilary Julian
Sharon Julian
Doctor David Kahn
Gary L Karas
Sara Kay
Sean Keegan
Daryl Kell
Teresa Kelly
John Kerr
Charlie Kirby
Rick Kline
Mitchell Kramer
Kapitan Hans-joachim Krug
Val Kuklowsky
Luca Lachin
Elvira Lamastra
Gregg Landaker
Felice Lattes
Diane Law
Franz Lehar
Sabina Lepri
Carol Lewis
Michael Lichtenegger
Hal Lieberman
Ermanno Lubich
Alessandro Luciano
Roberto Magagnini
Carlo Maggi
Gianmarco Maglione
Mary Mahdavi
Dennis Mahoney
Gian Maria Majorana
Jaime Manca Di Villahermosa
Domenico Mancino
Alberto Mangiante
Claudio Manzi
Bryan David Marinoff
Film Details
Technical Specs
Award Wins
Best Sound Effects Sound Editing
Award Nominations
Best Sound
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Spring April 21, 2000
Expanded Release in United States May 12, 2000
Released in United States on Video October 3, 2000
Released in United States on Video May 15, 2001
Released in United States 2000
Released in United States September 2000
Shown at Venice International Film Festival (Dreams and Visions) August 30 - September 9, 2000.
Shown at Deauville Festival of American Film September 1-10, 2000.
Michael Douglas was previously attached to star.
Began shooting January 25, 1999.
Completed shooting May 30, 1999.
Released in United States Spring April 21, 2000
Expanded Release in United States May 12, 2000
Released in United States on Video October 3, 2000
Released in United States on Video May 15, 2001 ("Special Edition")
Released in United States 2000 (Shown at Venice International Film Festival (Dreams and Visions) August 30 - September 9, 2000.)
Released in United States September 2000 (Shown at Deauville Festival of American Film September 1-10, 2000.)