The Corruptor
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
James Foley
Chow Yun-fat
Mark Wahlberg
Ric Young
Brian Cox
Karen Huie
Film Details
Technical Specs
Nick Chen is one of the NYPD's most decorated officers. The first Chinese-born immigrant on the force, Chen has used his close ties with a group of Chinese "businessmen" known as the Triads to rise through the ranks. Now, a gold shield detective and the star officer on the city's highly touted Asian gang unit, it's Chen's job to keep peace in Chinatown. But a turf war has erupted between the Triads and the newly arrived and brutally violent Fukienese Dragons. As the precarious peace in Chinatown is interrupted, the NYPD beefs up the Asian Gang Unit with a new recruit: an idealistic cop, Danny Wallace, who is unaware of how power and influence have compromised his superiors. When the Tongs boldly attempt to corrupt this young officer, Chen is forced to realign his loyalties.

Chow Yun-fat
Mark Wahlberg
Ric Young
Brian Cox
Karen Huie
Jason Ting
Alice Lee Chun
Alice Poon
Howard Hoover
Arthur Lo
Beau Starr
Ho Chow
Frank Pellegrino
Byron Mann
Lucille Soong
Andrew Pang
Jon Kit Lee
Paul Ben-victor
Marie Matiko
Simon B Cotter
Elizabeth Lindsey
Olivia Yap
Tig Fong
Pak-kong Ho

Kim Chan
Leroy Allen
Jerry Detitta
Mark Williams
Lynda Chiu
Bill Macdonald
Chuck Scarborough
Susie Trinh
Tim Progosh
Tovah Feldshuh
Mike Jung
Phil Abraham
Leon Adair
Jeff D Adams
Samuel Agro
Mikko Alanne
Sandy Alexander
Joseph S Alfieri
Vincent Alfieri
David Alstadter
Bill Anagnos
Albertine Anderson
Henry Antonacchio
Samantha Armstrong
Paul Austerberry
Jeff Authors
Rudy Baccuchi
Lane Baker
Clare Bambrough
Erica Bamforth
Eric Banz
Ken Barbet
Melissa Barrie
Michael Bederman
Ron Bedrosian
Tory Bellingham
John Berger
Kristin Cameron Bernstein
Mark Bero
Riccardo Bertoni
Michael Betzag
Marco Bianco
John Billeci
Michael Blecher
Glenn Bloom
Jason Board
Samuel Bojin
Bob Brennan
David Brisbin
Cameron Brooke
Robert C Brooke
Darrin Brown
Deborah Brozina
John Brunt
Keith Bunting
Michael Burke
Gary Burritt
Carter Burwell
Jeff Butcher
Wilfred Caban
John Caglione Jr.
Carrie Campbell
Paul W Campbell
Carmen Campolo
Thomas Carnegie
Bill Carraro
Bill Carraro
Cindy Carroll
Laurie Cartwright
Verne Caruso
Don Caulfield
Al Cerullo
Victor Chan
Terence Chang
Tommy Chang
David Orin Charles
Kirk Cheney
Eric Cheripka
Phil Chiu
Dean Choe
Mark Hunshik Choi
Mo Chow
Nigel Churcher
John Colavecchia
Raymond Collins
Gilles Corbeil
Jim C Craig
Wendy M Craig
David Crockett
Douglas Crosby
Patrick Cyccone Jr.
Francois Dagenais
William Daly
Fernanda Dasilva
Jason Dean
Jerry Deblau
Michael Decasper
Guido Decurtis
Eirik Dentz
George Detitta Jr.
Walter Dibacco
Jaro Dick
Dino Dimuro
Deirdre Cook Donohue
Thomas C Dragna
Jay Duboisson
Donna Dupere-taylor
Edwin A Effrein
Jeff Egan
John Egan
Mindy L Elliott
Jonathan T Ercole
John Favre
Frank Fennimore
David Ferguson
Alexandra Fernandez
Joannne Fishburn
Eric Flickinger
Bryan Forde
Ron Forward
David Franzoni
Ian Fraser
David Fremlin
Leslie Fuller
Rick Gagnon
Paul Gaily
Rick Gallagher
Gerry Ganger
Douglas Ganton
Roland Gauvin
Paul Gentleman
Caroline George-kohne
William Gerardo
Daniel Gibson
Jeffrey Lee Gibson
Malcolm Gibson
Beth Gilinsky
Gerri Gillan
Peter Girolami
Emily Glatter
D C Glenn
Robert Glover
Bruce Goldman
Angel Gonzalez
Judi Goodman
Ron Goodman
Catherine Gore
Anne Gorman
Neil Gover
Frank Graziadei
Dennis Green
Lori Greenberg
Debbie Greg
Timothy M Grimes
Craig Haagensen
Craig Haagensen
Gregory G. Hale
Doug Hall
Kenneth L. Halsband
Dan Halsted
Buddy Ham
Terry Ham
Ronald J Haney
David Harcourt
Adrian Hardy
Laura Harris
Gene Harrison
Mathew Hart
Kerry Hayes
Dan Hegamen
Thomas J Heilig
Don Hewitt
Don J Hewitt
Dutch Hill
Alec Hirschfeld
Ron Hobbs
John Hobson
Perry Hoffman
Gary Hon
Karen Huie
Brian Imada
Gord Ionson
Roseanna Istance
Brian Jagersky
David Jaquest
Michael K Jones
Paul Jones
Zsolt Kadar
Fred Kamping
Rudy Katkic
Mark S. Kaufman
John Keenan
Michael Keller
Bernard B Kerik
Nick Kharabadze
Steve Kirshoff
Steve Klys
Kaz Kobielski
Paul Koronkiewicz
John Koyama
Fred Kraemer
Jonathan Krauss
Steve Krieger
Richard Krogh
Kathy Ku
Diana Ladyshewsky
Norman Laing
Patricia Lamberti
Carl Landi
Andrew Lassman
James P Lauer
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Spring March 12, 1999
Released in United States on Video August 10, 1999
Began shooting March 2, 1998.
Completed shooting May 22, 1998.
Released in United States Spring March 12, 1999
Released in United States on Video August 10, 1999