The Cable Guy
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Ben Stiller
Jim Carrey
Matthew Broderick
Jack Black
Janeane Garofalo
Ben Stiller
Film Details
Technical Specs
It's a time-honored urban ritual: Slip the cable guy fifty bucks and you'll get all the movie channels for free. But when Steven Kovacs moves into a new apartment, his Cable Guy is not like the others. He doesn't want your fifty bucks; all he wants is a friend... and he won't take no for an answer. Steven is about to learn that there's no such thing as free cable.
Ben Stiller

Jim Carrey

Matthew Broderick

Jack Black
Janeane Garofalo
Ben Stiller
Marty Zagon
Wendy Walsh
Andy Dick

David Cross
Kyle Gass
Tommy Hinkley
Lydell M Cheshier
Christine Devine
Annabelle Gurwitch
Suli Mccullough
Michael Rivkin
Robert Simels
Cynthia Lamontagne
Emilio Rivera
Greg Hopla
Misa Koprova
Thomas Scott
Jeff Kahn
Shawn Michael Howard
Amy Stiller
Douglas Robert Jackson
Cynthia Mason
John F O'donohue
Charles Napier
Tabitha Soren
Carlo Allen
Andrew Shaifer
Sean Whalen
Harper Roisman
Mark Thompson
Rikki Klieman
David Bowe
Keith Gibbs
Eric Roberts
Conrad Janis

Bob Odenkirk
Leslie Mann
Steven Scott
Jason Larimore
John Ferdinand
Paul Greco
Charles Knox Robinson
Patrick M Lees
Kathy Griffin
Sandra Thigpen
Owen Wilson
Robert Zajonc
Christopher Michael
Lisa D'agostino
Leonard O Turner
Lloyd Kino

George Segal
Ahmad Reese

Diane Baker
Jeff Michalski
Dona Hardy
Marion Dugan
James O'connell
Harry O'reilly
Aki Aleong
Joel Murray
Blake Boyd
Cameron Starman
Sara Lowell
Julie Hayden
Edward R. Abroms
Harold Adamson
Pamela Alch
Ted Alexandre
Dave W Alstadter
Judd Apatow
Mia Apatow
Jamie Arsenault
Randy Bachman
Maria Baker
Kevin Bales
Bill Bass
Bill Beasley
Bill Beasley
Jennifer C. Bell
Juel Bestrop
Camille Bourque
Bernie Brillstein
Robert Brinkmann
Bob F Brown
Greg Brown
Richard Buoen
Randy Burke
Jerry Cantrell
Jerry Cantrell
Jim Carrey
Audrey Chang
Sam Citron
Kyle Clark
Kenny Clarke
Jeff Cohen
Michael Condro
Danny Costa
Samuel Craven
Terry Crotzer
Katya Culberg
Burton Cummings
Mike Curtis
Eliot Daniel
Chris David
Frank Davis
Heather Davis
Kenneth Davis
Ross C Day
Steve A. Dayan
Frank De Vol
Yann Delpuech
Vinicius Demoraes
Joseph Dianda
David Drzewiecki
Gail Du Fosse
Sheena Duggal
Terry Dunn
Allen Edwards
Ryan Eldred
Tom Elliott
Phillip Euling
Jane Feather
Leonard Feather
Robert Fernandez
Robert Fernandez
Linda Fields
Alison Fisher
Peter Devaney Flanagan
Thomas F Ford
Lisa Foster
Louis Freese
Gerald Fried
Hilary Galanoy
David Gamerman
Kirk Gardner
Dizzy Gillespie
Dizzy Gillespie
Ben Gillies
Bruce Good
Amanda Goodpaster
Galen Goodpaster
Melinda Sue Gordon
Howard Greenfield
Brad Grey
Robert Grieve
Larry Groupé
Larry Groupé
Dawn Guinta
Marc Gurvitz
Steve Hagberg
Earle H. Hagen
Stuart Hagen
Michael Haight
Mo Henry
Eddie Hice
Freddie Hice
Johnny Hickman
David Hilder
David Hilder
Michael J Hogan
Wally Holmes
Lou Holtz
Ivo Horvat
Norman Howell
Damon Intrabartolo
Joni Jacobson
Antonio Carlos Jobim
Daniel Johns
Robert Kaiser
Jim Kale
Paul Karasick
Jack Keller
Stephen Kennedy
Scott Kilburn
Gregory King
Scott Kingzey
Sean Kinney
Martin A Kline
Jeff Knipp
Teri Anne Kopp
John Kreidman
Ken Kurras
Charles Larson
Alan Latteri
Randlett King Lawrence
Christopher Leone
Steven M Levine
Ian Lewis
Pauletta Lewis
Vaden Todd Lewis
Alex Leyton
Andrew Licht
Linaia Light
Charles Linehan
David C Lowery
Steve Luport
Andy Malcolm
Temil Marmon
Daniel C Marrow
Maggie Martin
Ned Martin
Joseph T Mastrolia
Katrina Mastrolia
John Mauvezin
Curtis Mayfield
Curtis Mayfield
Bob Mcdougall
Phil Medley
Karen Meisels
Lucy Michael
Scott Millan
Darwin Mitchell
Richard B Molina
Ann Monn
Bennie Moore
Craig Moore
Ray Moore
Raquel Morales
Jeffrey Mueller
Lawrence Muggerud
John Murray
John Nelson
Otto Nemenz
Christy Newquest
Rob Nokes
Chris O'connor
Megan Omi
Nilo Otero
John Ottman
Nina Paskowitz
Richard Patrick
Scott Patten
Rick Pearmain
Michele Perrone
Mike Perry
Tom Perry
Reinhart Peschke
Gary Peterson
Erica Edell Phillips
Sheryl Leigh Ptak
Porno For Pyros
Derrick Quarles
Jamie Rama
Lesley Rankine
Cheri Reed
Lou Reed
Sean Reynolds
Erin Ricotti-hice
Juliana Roberts
Erik Rondell
Lori Rowbotham
William Sanford
Michael Scott
Sharon Seymour
Sharyn Shimada-huggins
Joel Shryack
John Sisti
Darby Slick
Alicia M Stevenson
Amy Stofsky
Bob Stoker
Jason Stradtman
Nelson Stroll
Lucinda Strub
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Summer June 14, 1996
Released in United States on Video December 3, 1996
Released in United States June 1996
Shown at Nantucket Film Festival June 19-23, 1996.
Lou Holtz Jr. reportedly received $750,000 against $1 million for his spec script.
Jim Carrey reportedly received $20,000,000 for this film.
Jim Carrey reportedly received $20,000,000 for this film.
Began shooting November 27, 1995.
Completed shooting March 8, 1996.
Producer Judd Apatow lost his appeal to the Writers Guild of America to receive screenplay credit.
Released in United States Summer June 14, 1996
Released in United States on Video December 3, 1996
Released in United States June 1996 (Shown at Nantucket Film Festival June 19-23, 1996.)