Capricorn One
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Peter Hyams
Elliott Gould
James Brolin
Brenda Vaccaro
Kenneth White
James Bacon
Film Details
Technical Specs
The first manned space flight to Mars is a hoax put on by the U.S. government.
Peter Hyams

Elliott Gould

James Brolin

Brenda Vaccaro
Kenneth White
James Bacon
Marty Anka
Chris Hyams
O.j. Simpson
Hank Stohl
Hal Holbrook
Milton Selzer
Seanna Marre
Lee Sikking
Paul Haney
David Doyle

Denise Nicholas

Norman Bartold
Steve Tannen
Darrell Zwerling

Telly Savalas
Jon Cedar
Colin Dangaard
Robert Walden
John Hiscock
Alan Fudge
Nancy Malone
Virginia Kaiser
Barbara Bosson
Trent Dolan
Todd Hoffman

David Huddleston
Lou Frizzell
James Karen
Lee Bryant

Karen Black
Bridget Byrne

Paul Picerni
Albert Brenner
David L Butler
Wilmer Butler
Jim M Donnaldson
Les Fresholtz
Jerry Goldsmith
David Haber
Robert Henderson
Bill Hickman
Ernie Huber
Peter Hyams
David Jones
Jerry Jost
Nikita Knatz
Clay Lacy
Paul N Lazarus
Bill Manooch
Bruce Mattox
Henry Millar Jr.
Henry Millar Sr.
Michael Minkler
James D. Mitchell
George Nolan
Patricia Norris
Dan Perri
Arthur Piantadosi
Michael I Rachmil
Michael I Rachmil
Julian Sacks
Jack Frost Sanders
Brent Sellstrom
Rick Simpson
Irby Smith
Robert Spurlock
Frank Tallman
Michael Westmore
Karl Wickman
Film Details
Technical Specs
Capricorn One
Director: Peter Hyams
Screenplay: Peter Hyams
Cinematography: Bill Butler
Art Direction: David M. Haber
Music: Jerry Goldsmith
Film Editing: James Mitchell
Cast: Elliott Gould (Robert Caulfield), James Brolin (Charles Brubaker), Brenda Vaccaro (Kay Brubaker), Sam Waterston (Peter Willis), O.J. Simpson (John Walker), Hal Holbrook (Dr. James Kelloway), Karen Black (Judy Drinkwater), Telly Savalas (Albain), David Huddleston (Hollis Peaker).
C-124m. Letterboxed. Closed Captioning.

Capricorn One
Capricorn One (Special Edition) - The Special Edition of Peter Hyam's CAPRICORN ONE on DVD
When NASA discovers that their Capricorn 1 spaceship has a faulty life support system, Dr. James Kelloway (Hal Holbrook) takes drastic action to save the Space Program from termination by an unfriendly White House. Astronauts Brubaker, Willis and Walker (James Brolin, Sam Waterston & O.J. Simpson) are yanked from the capsule just before launch and spirited away to an isolated and abandoned airbase. Kelloway shows the confused spacemen a prepared TV setting representing the surface of Mars, where they'll act out the televised parts of the mission for home viewing. The astronauts balk until Kelloway infers that a refusal to cooperate will mean that they'll have to be killed!
The astronauts grudgingly cooperate, on a 'patriotic' basis. Video special effects are used to simulate the lower gravity in the Mars tele-transmissions. But when the empty Capricorn 1 capsule burns up on re-entry into the atmosphere, the spacemen realize that they have become targets for murder -- Kelloway can't let them reveal that the mission was faked.
Capricorn One became a surprise hit when Warner Bros. needed a picture to fill the gap left by Superman: The Movie, which couldn't be finished in time for its summer 1978 play dates. Less a space movie than a conspiracy thriller, Hyams' film sets up an outrageous premise and then abandons it in favor of audience-friendly chase scenes. The picture comes to life only near the end, with an exciting aerial combat between a crop dusting biplane and two helicopters.
After the political assassinations of the 1960s and the revelations of illegal secret activities by the C.I.A. and the F.B.I., the notion of sinister conspiracies suddenly seemed less fantastic. Alan J. Pakula's notable The Parallax View invents a secret corporation that recruited assassin-patsies to take the blame for political assassinations. Capricorn One cynically extends the paranoia to the Space Program's Mars project, but has come up with a fantasy that doesn't satisfy the minimum requirements of paranoid politics or technical feasibility. According to Hyams' script, NASA reacts like Stanley Kubrick's HAL computer, choosing to deceive the world and commit wholesale murder rather than "die" for lack of funding.
There's nothing wrong with basing a thriller on an unlikely premise, but Capricorn One shortchanges its characters to focus on its own faulty plot mechanics. Investigative reporter Robert Caulfield (Elliott Gould) detects the conspiracy by witnessing the mysterious disappearance of a NASA technician (Robert Walden) and noticing an inconsistency in the behavior of an astronaut's wife (Brenda Vaccaro). Caulfield gets absolutely nowhere until it's time to unmask the conspirators. He trades poorly written sexual banter with a briefly glimpsed fellow reporter (Karen Black). His relationship with editor (David Doyle) is so perfunctory that they swap self-conscious movie clichés instead of dialogue: "Here's the exasperated but loyal editor bailing the reporter out of jail."
The movie ignores its woefully underwritten astronauts during the months-long Mars mission. We know the film isn't working when Dr. Kelloway feeds his astronauts five pages of nonsense explaining why it's necessary to deceive the entire world and make them all into reprehensible liars. Faced with this crisis of conscience and character, the astronauts passively accept the unethical proposal. O.J. Simpson stares blankly and James Brolin looks as though his feelings have been hurt. Sam Waterston offers limp quips: "Oh, the marvels of American science. Here we are millions of miles from earth, and we can still send out for pizza." The film's portrait of America's finest, most courageous heroes isn't very flattering.
Kelloway performs his bogus Mars landing on live TV instead of with pre-taped video segments, a very risky proposition. What if the power blew in the hangar-TV set, or if one of those movie lights burned out? Skilled video effects experts shift the TV image to slow motion for certain astronaut actions, in a way highly unlikely to deceive trained eyes. In this respect the movie is fairly insulting. The most immediate parallel I can think of is the ridiculously unconvincing faked war footage seen in the similarly themed Wag the Dog (1997).
For a conspiracy to succeed, the number of people "in the know" needs to be very small. Only a handful of conspirators are shown in Capricorn One but the events imply that hundreds must be involved. A space launch employs an army of technicians, all triple-checking each other's work. Many NASA employees must have seen the three astronauts leave the spaceship. During the flight, many in the control room would be aware that the rocket is being remote-guided from Earth, and that no astronaut health status telemetry is coming in. The redundant, intensely monitored communications systems can't be jiggered to falsify transmissions from space without scores of experts knowing.
Capricorn One's widening conspiracy doesn't stop there. Dr. Kelloway must also have the cooperation of the military to run his secret TV studio in the desert, and further cooperation to undertake a massive search-and-murder campaign across the Southwestern desert. I suppose we can assume that the gunmen that arrest Caulfield are only impersonators pretending to be government agents, so the F.B.I. isn't necessarily part of the conspiracy. But the gunmen, astronaut-tenders and pilots must be somebody. Does Kelloway have entire "black ops" murder squads at his disposal? If he does, forget the faked Mars landing, because the entire country has already been taken over by thousands of nefarious Blue Meanies, the shadowy "they" that secretly run the government.
Earlier conspiracy thrillers generated political paranoia to express larger concerns. The Parallax View made impossible assassination schemes seem plausible. Sydney Pollack's Three Days of the Condor ended with the bald message that America will accept any crime or foreign war, as long as the government delivers cheap gasoline. Capricorn One indicts half the U.S. Government, and then sidesteps the consequences of its premise by entertaining us with an exciting thriller chase. The final scene freeze-frames before anybody has a chance to point fingers, scream bloody murder or take poison. We're left with a half-baked movie.
Capricorn One also seems designed to avoid as many 'dull' dramatic scenes as possible. The astronauts see their wives only by television. Guest stars Karen Black and Telly Savalas were probably hired for a day apiece, along with actors David Doyle, David Huddleston and James Karen. When Robert Walden's nosy technician suddenly disappears, we feel cheated. Like most of the cast, he hasn't been given a chance to make an impact.
Lionsgate's DVD of Capricorn One is a solid enhanced transfer that replicates cinematographer Bill Butler's sharp images and showcases Jerry Goldsmith's punchy score. Lionsgate expands its horizons by including a featurette and an entertaining commentary. Director Peter Hyams talks about sifting through official lies while serving as a reporter in Vietnam. He's realistic about his film and proud of its technical achievement. One of Hyams' inspirations came from a statement made by an astronaut. During a launch, the astronaut mused over the fact that he was sitting on an enormous tower of explosives, riding a spaceship in which each part was designed and assembled by the lowest bidder.
Hyams doesn't talk much about the budget shortcuts, such as the fact that most of the desert scenes, including the aerial stunts, seem to be filmed adjacent to the familiar Red Rock Canyon area north of Palmdale, California. Unfortunately, his "helicopters as characters" aerial choreography has dated badly. The bug-like copters turn as if to speak to one another, and behave like hound dogs on the scent. They also fly in tight formation at all times, a risk that's both unnecessary and counterproductive for a desert search. Hyams does point out the film's excellent miniatures, and explains the scheduling problem with Superman that gave Capricorn One a top summer distribution slot.
The featurette places writer-director Hyams opposite an historian and a UFO phenomena buff for an uneven discussion. They cover Hyams' other inspiration, the persistent claims by conspiracy theorists that the Apollo moon landings never happened, and were faked just as seen in Capricorn One.
For more information about Capricorn One, visit Lionsgate.To order Capricorn One, go to TCM Shopping.
by Glenn Erickson
Capricorn One (Special Edition) - The Special Edition of Peter Hyam's CAPRICORN ONE on DVD
You wouldn't know sincerity if it ran over you.- Robert Caulfield
Not if you were driving it.- Judy Drinkwater
Okay, here it is. I have to start by saying that if there was any other way, if there was even a slight chance of another alternative, I would give anything not to be here with you now. Anything. Bru, how long have we known each other? Sixteen years. That's how long. Sixteen years. You should have seen yourself then. You looked like you just walked out of a Wheaties box. And me, all sweaty palm and deadly serious. I told everybody about this dream I had of conquering the new frontier, and they all looked at me like I was nuts. You looked at me and said, "yes." I remember when you told me Kay was pregnant. We went out and got crocked. I remember when Charles was born. We went out and got crocked again. The two of us. Captain Terrific and the Mad Doctor, talking about reaching the stars, and the bartender telling us maybe we'd had enough. Sixteen years. And then Armstrong stepped out on the Moon, and we cried. We were so proud. Willis, you and Walker, you came in about then. Both bright and talented wise-asses, looked at me in my wash-and-wear shirt carrying on this hot love affair with my slide-rule, and even you were caught up in what we'd done. I remember when Glenn made his first orbit in Mercury, they put up television sets in Grand Central Station, and tens of thousands of people missed their trains to watch. You know, when Apollo 17 landed on the Moon, people were calling up the networks and bitching because reruns of I Love Lucy were cancelled. Reruns, for Christ's sake! I could understand if it was the new Lucy show. After all, what's a walk on the Moon? But reruns! Oh, geez! And then suddenly everybody started talking about how much everything cost. Was it really worth twenty billion to go to another planet? What about cancer? What about the slums? How much does it cost? How much does any dream cost, for Christ's sake? Since when is there an accountant for ideas? You know who was at the launch today? Not the President. The Vice-President, that's who. The Vice-President and his plump wife. The President was- Dr. James Kelloway
We...are dead. We are dead.- Charles Brubaker
Shit. I was such a terrific guy.- Lt. Col Peter Willis
Hey, Dr. Kelloway. Funny thing happened on the way to Mars.- Lt. Col Peter Willis
One of the stunt helicopter pilots claimed this film was the most dangerous film he'd ever flown for. He was killed in a crash soon after filming finished.
Barbra Streisand's two husbands, Elliott Gould and James Brolin, both star in this movie.
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States June 1978
Released in United States Summer June 1, 1978
Re-released in United States on Video August 20, 1996
Re-released in United States on Video October 19, 1994
Released in United States June 1978
Released in United States Summer June 1, 1978
Re-released in United States on Video August 20, 1996
Re-released in United States on Video October 19, 1994