Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Ron Howard
Kurt Russell
William Baldwin
Robert De Niro
Rebecca De Mornay
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Film Details
Technical Specs
A coming-of-age story about a rookie fireman in Chicago and the older brother whom he idolizes, but soon suspects could be involved in a serial arson scheme plaguing the city.

Kurt Russell
William Baldwin

Robert De Niro
Rebecca De Mornay
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Scott Glenn

Donald Sutherland
Joe Gustaferro
Gretchen Erickson
Bob Krzeminski
Carlos Sanz
Dennis Liddiard
Anthony C Ellis
Kathryn Jaeck
F Pat Burns
Don Rimgale
Robert Martell
Joan Esposito
Cedric Young
Neil J Francis
Tony Mockus
Tim Grimm
Beep Iams
W. Earl Brown
Scott Baity
David Luckenbach
Hollis Resnik
David A C Saunders
Bob Rice
James Ritz
Razz Jenkins
Andrew Lipschultz
Jane Alderman
Irma P. Hall
Nydia Rodriguez-terracina
Jack Mcgee
Charles Burns
Wanda Christine
Michael Allen Mark
Leslie A Ford
Ilene Kwitny
J. J. Chaback
John Duda
Walter Williams
Robert Swan
Don Herion
David Westgor
Kelsey E Mcmahon
Tony Mockus
Ron West
Clint Howard
David Crosby
Tony G Chrisos
Juan Ramirez
Zan Heber
Robert F Byrnes
Andre Melchor
Jason Gedrick
Harry Hutchinson
Kevin Crowley
Ian A Nevers
Mark Wheeler
Greg Lundsgaard
Kevin Petersen
Kevin M Casey
Karel King
Peter C Hobert
Richard Lexsee
David Conaghan
Tom Clark
Louis Woolf
Mike Mangano
Thomas A Senderak
Burton Stencel
Zita Visockis
Gregory Widen
Jane Maciver
Rick Reardon
J.t. Walsh
Marcella Detineo
Cay Devos
Ryan Todd
Fidel Moreno
Jane Alderman
Jon Alexander
William Allen
William L Allen
Chief William Alletto
First Deputy Edward Altman
Lance Anderson
Paul Andresen
Stephen Andrzejewski
Art Anthony
Erica Arvold
Sandina Bailo-lape
William Baldwin
Carolyn Schraut Barczak
Dina Barlo
Joseph M Baronski
William Barr
Guy Barresi
Gary N Baugh
Robert A Beattie
Kenneth Berry
Tom Bertino
Sam Bertone
Jane Blank
Rob Blatman
Josh Bleibtreu
Alphonse Blumenthal
Sara Bolder
Brian W Boyd
Christopher Boyes
Lawrence M Brackin
Todd Braden
Charles Jo Brady
Hillary Bratton
Albert Brenner
Fernando Briones
Karen A Brocco
Peter Brown
W. Earl Brown
Anthony Brubaker
Jack Bruce
Sandy Brundage
Ray Bulinski
Don Burgess
Don Burgess
Chief Charles Burns
Lieutenant Gerald O Burns
John Burros
Michael L Butkovich
Robert F Byrnes
Anne Calanchini
Dwight Campbell
Dru Anne Carlson
W Joe Carroll
Phillip V Caruso
John C Casey
William J Casey
John Casino
Kevin Cauldwell
Patrick Caulfield
Nancy Cavallaro
Chic Cecchini
David J Chamerski
Scott Chandler
Lieutenant Steve Chikerotis
Calvin Chin
John P Clancy
Eric Clapton
Peter Clarson
Gloria Coffey-sharrieff
Tyson Contor
Janet L Contursi
Bill Cosgrove
William Cosgrove
Eugene F Crededio
Joseph C Crededio
Vernon Cruikshank
Thomas J Cushing
Mayor Richard M Daley
Frank D Dambra
Bill Dance
Gerrit Dangremond
Sandy De Crescent
Raffaella De Laurentiis
Roy E Dean
Roy E Dean
Pen Densham
Monica Devereux
Larry Dewaay
Larry Dewaay
Todd Dickinson
Todd Dickinson
George Dileonardi
Pat Dinizio
Jeff Dlugolecki
Rob Doherty
Roger Doherty
Pat Domenico
Giovanni Donovan
Jeff Doran
George Dougherty
Richard Bryan Douglas
Dick Dova
Lamont Dozier
Wileen Dragovan
Dan Engstrom
Donald Ennesser
Corey Eubanks
Frank Eulner
Jennifer Falasco
Scott Farrar
Eddie Fernandez
Robert Finley Iii
Ken Fischer
Wayne Fitzgerald
John Formanek
William B Fosser
Bruce L. Fowler
Ian Fox
Marge Frantz
Chris Freres
Curtis Frisk
Rob Fruchtman
Harold Fuhrman
Charles Geocaris
Michael D. Gianneschi
Vivien Hillgrove Gilliam
Jack P Glenn
Scott Glenn
Chris Goehe
Reuben Goldberg
Nico Golfar
Adam Goodman
Brian Grazer
J R Grubbs
Scott Guitreau
Thomas Guzman-sanchez
Harry Haase
Steve Hagberg
Allen L Hall
Todd Hallowell
Todd Hallowell
Dan Hanley
Dick Hansen
Gary Happ
Dan Harvey
Ilona Herman
David Heron
David Hidalgo
Michael Hill
Robert Hill
Steven Hiller
Shari Lynn Himes
Ed Hirsh
Johnny Hock
Brian Holland
Eddie Holland
Tim Holland
Cathie Holzer-ballowe
Steve Homa
Betsy Horning
Betsy Horning
Bruce Hornsby
Bruce Hornsby
John Hornsby
Clarence Houlihan
Mark Howard
Norman Howell
Bobby Huber
John Hudecek
Martin L. Hudson
Mattie Hunter
Jeffery Hurt
Paul Huston
Richard Hymns
Gary S Isbel
Donna Jaffe
Robert Jauregui
Nancy Jencks
Jane Jenkins
Brad Jerrell
Mike Johnson
Tom Johnson
Catherine M Jones
Gary L Karas
Dave Karpman
Kathleen Keane
Chief Patrick Kehoe
Suzy Kellet
Ian C Kelly
Suella Kennedy
William D Kennedy
Michael R Kern
Jackie King
Jacqueline King
Michael S Kirkpatrick
Rodman Kiser
Robert Ellison Knight
Brad Kuehn
Michelle Landis
Film Details
Technical Specs
Award Nominations
Best Sound
Best Sound Effects Sound Editing
Best Visual Effects
Howard initially experimented with using CGI to simulate the fire effects, but ultimately decided that the results looked fake. As a result, the footage during these scenes is remarkably visceral, captured by cameramen donning fire-proof suits and walking through the burning sets with handheld cameras. Cinematographer Mikael Salomon created a unique lighting scheme that high- and low-lighted the images of the fire so that color variations and depth details could be seen versus flat visuals. The resulting effects were so potent that it's little wonder actress Jennifer Jason Leigh revealed in an interview that the most desirable role in the film was the fire itself!
Adding to the realism, Russell, Baldwin, and Glenn performed many of their own stunts in the film. All three tagged along with a Chicago fire squad in preparation for their roles and Glenn was almost seriously injured during one of his stunts. Asked in an interview about performing his own stunts in several of his films, Russell responded, "Well, up until Backdraft there wasn't a lot of this. I know that because Ron Howard and I talked about it a lot and we had to go and find actors that were willing to set themselves on fire using a gel that had only just been invented. After that movie, more and more directors started wanting to put actors into scenes. But there's something else that's very real that goes along with that. If one of those actors goes down for any reason, that's a lot of money. So you have to be very, very, very careful. And the stunt people then become extremely important in terms of how they set up something with the actors and the director so that you can do this and get away with it." Even years later, Russell remarked that the film was his most physically grueling effort, commenting, "Nobody will ever do a movie harder than Backdraft."
Backdraft snagged three Osca® nominations for visual effects, sound effects editing, and sound. Hans Zimmer composed the hauntingly compelling score, which was oddly enough later adopted as the theme music for the Japanese cooking show Iron Chef! Backdraft's popularity inspired Universal Studios Theme Parks to build an attraction based on the film. Ron Howard aficionados will immediately spot his trademark casting of his brother Clint in the film as Ricco the Pathologist. Look a little closer and you will also spot musician David Crosby (of Crosby, Stills and Nash) in a fitting turn as a 70's hippie!
Producer: Raffaella De Laurentiis, Pen Densham, Larry DeWaay, Brian Grazer, Todd Hallowell, Richard B. Lewis, John Watson
Director: Ron Howard
Screenplay: Gregory Widen
Cinematography: Mikael Salomon
Film Editing: Daniel P. Hanley, Michael Hill
Art Direction: Carol Winstead Wood
Music: Hans Zimmer
Cast: Kurt Russell (Stephen McCaffrey), William Baldwin (Brian McCaffrey), Robert De Niro (Donald Rimgale), Donald Sutherland (Ronald Bartel), Jennifer Jason Leigh (Jennifer Vaitkus), Scott Glenn (John Adcox).
C-132m. Letterboxed.
by Eleanor Quin

Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States 1991
Released in United States August 1991
Released in United States on Video November 7, 1991
Released in United States Summer May 24, 1991
Shown at Deauville Film Festival August 30 - September 9, 1991.
Shown at Malmo Film Days in Stockholm August 26-29, 1991.
Shown at Norwegian Film Festival in Haugesund August 18-24, 1991.
Began shooting July 23, 1990.
Completed shooting December 8, 1990.
Released in United States 1991 (Shown at Deauville Film Festival August 30 - September 9, 1991.)
Released in United States Summer May 24, 1991
Released in United States August 1991 (Shown at Malmo Film Days in Stockholm August 26-29, 1991.)
Released in United States August 1991 (Shown at Norwegian Film Festival in Haugesund August 18-24, 1991.)
Released in United States on Video November 7, 1991