While he waited for Warner Brothers to green-light his autobiographical World War II epic The Big Red One (1980), Sam Fuller agreed to direct Merrill's Marauders (1962) with the proviso that it would be "a dry run" for his more ambitious personal project. Adapting Charles Ogburn's 1959 book The Marauders, an account of the routing of the Japanese army in Burma by Brigadier General Frank Merrill's 3,000-man composite unit in 1944, Fuller reached out to veteran actor Gary Cooper to play the seasoned but ailing Merrill. No sooner had he accepted than Cooper was diagnosed with the cancer that would kill him in May 1961. Cooper's death haunted Fuller, whose mourning was compounded by the unexpected death only two months later of Cooper's replacement, Jeff Chandler, shortly after completing his scenes for the film. (Hobbled by a long-standing back injury that had become aggravated during filming, Chandler underwent surgery for a spinal disc herniation, dying from complications related to the procedure at the age of only 42.) Merrill's Marauders proved to be an estimable hit for Warner Brothers in the summer of 1962 but Fuller's satisfaction was compromised by the studio-mandated replacement of several scenes with second unit footage shot by another director. Scalded by his experience with Warners, Fuller would have to wait nearly twenty years to realize The Big Red One.
By Richard Harland Smith
Merrill's Marauders

Brief Synopsis
A grizzled U.S. general leads his men against the Japanese in Burma during World War II.
Cast & Crew
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Samuel Fuller
Jeff Chandler
Brig. Gen. Frank Merrill
Ty Hardin
Lieut. Lee Stockton
Peter Brown
Andrew Duggan
Maj. George "Doc" Nemeny
Will Hutchins
Film Details
Also Known As
The Marauders
Release Date
Premiere Information
New York opening: 13 Jun 1962
Production Company
United States Productions
Distribution Company
Warner Bros. Pictures
United States
Screenplay Information
Based on the novel The Marauders by Charlton Ogburn, Jr. (New York, 1959).
Technical Specs
1h 38m
Mono (RCA Sound System)
Color (Technicolor)
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
2.35 : 1

In 1944, Brig. Gen. Frank Merrill's 5307th Composite Unit, known as Merrill's Marauders, is deep behind Japanese lines in the dense Burma jungle. Even though the 3,000 men suffer from exhaustion, illness, and starvation, they are ordered to capture a gun emplacement, an enemy arsenal, and a railway yard. Merrill realizes that his men cannot be an effective fighting force without rest, but he also knows that they must make the 500-mile trek to Myitkyina to prevent Japanese and German armies from merging in India.
Following an enemy raid, however, the Marauders are virtually walking dead men, physically and mentally incapable of launching a new attack, and Merrill himself collapses from a heart seizure. He arises from the stretcher, however, and urges the men to keep moving. They watch in silence as he staggers among them and falls unconscious, until Lieut. Lee Stockton, inspired by Merrill's indomitable spirit, rallies the men for one last campaign and drives them forward. When Merrill regains consciousness, fresh troops and supplies are landing on the Myitkyina airfield, which has been liberated by the Marauders.


Samuel Fuller

Jeff Chandler
Brig. Gen. Frank Merrill

Ty Hardin
Lieut. Lee Stockton

Peter Brown

Andrew Duggan
Maj. George "Doc" Nemeny

Will Hutchins

Claude Akins
Sergeant Kolowicz
Luz Valdez
Burmese girl

John Hoyt
Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell
Charles Briggs
Chuck Roberson
Chuck Hayward
Jack Williams
Chuck Hicks
Corporal Doskis
Vaughan Wilson
Lieutenant Colonel Bannister
Pancho Magalona
Ralph Ayres
Special Effects
Gordon Bau
Folmar Blangsted
Film Editor
William Clothier
Director of Photography
Higino J. Fallorina
2nd unit Photographer
Samuel Fuller
Howard Jackson
William Kissel
Assistant Director
William J. Magginetti
Prod Supervisor
Milton Sperling
Milton Sperling
Francis M. Stahl
Samuel, (lieut. Col.) Wilson
Technical Advisor

Movie Clip

Film Details
Also Known As
The Marauders
Release Date
Premiere Information
New York opening: 13 Jun 1962
Production Company
United States Productions
Distribution Company
Warner Bros. Pictures
United States
Screenplay Information
Based on the novel The Marauders by Charlton Ogburn, Jr. (New York, 1959).
Technical Specs
1h 38m
Mono (RCA Sound System)
Color (Technicolor)
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
2.35 : 1

Merrill's Marauders
By Richard Harland Smith

Merrill's Marauders
While he waited for Warner Brothers to green-light his autobiographical World War II epic The Big Red One (1980), Sam Fuller agreed to direct Merrill's Marauders (1962) with the proviso that it would be "a dry run" for his more ambitious personal project. Adapting Charles Ogburn's 1959 book The Marauders, an account of the routing of the Japanese army in Burma by Brigadier General Frank Merrill's 3,000-man composite unit in 1944, Fuller reached out to veteran actor Gary Cooper to play the seasoned but ailing Merrill. No sooner had he accepted than Cooper was diagnosed with the cancer that would kill him in May 1961. Cooper's death haunted Fuller, whose mourning was compounded by the unexpected death only two months later of Cooper's replacement, Jeff Chandler, shortly after completing his scenes for the film. (Hobbled by a long-standing back injury that had become aggravated during filming, Chandler underwent surgery for a spinal disc herniation, dying from complications related to the procedure at the age of only 42.) Merrill's Marauders proved to be an estimable hit for Warner Brothers in the summer of 1962 but Fuller's satisfaction was compromised by the studio-mandated replacement of several scenes with second unit footage shot by another director. Scalded by his experience with Warners, Fuller would have to wait nearly twenty years to realize The Big Red One.
By Richard Harland Smith
Merrill's Marauders - Jeff Chandler Stars in Samuel Fuller's MERRILL'S MARAUDERS on DVD
The movie isn't given enough credit in Sam Fuller's filmography, probably because it doesn't showcase the director's flamboyant tabloid sensibility. It's one of the best films about extreme combat situations, and shows Fuller perfectly capable of doing well with material not of his own devising. Merrill's Marauders is also noted as the last film appearance of star Jeff Chandler, who weathered the hostile shooting conditions only to fall, at age 42, to complications from a botched surgery to repair a back problem. Chandler was publicly mourned at the next year's Academy Awards, before obituaries were a common theme of the ceremony.
Synopsis: Brigadier General Frank D. Merrill (Jeff Chandler) leads a division of combat veterans across the Burma jungle to cut off supply routes for the Japanese in Indochina. After a costly victory, the unit waits to be disbanded, only to learn that the hard-pressed General Stilwell (John Hoyt, in a dead ringer impersonation) needs them to march hundreds of more miles to attack a second objective. Merrill is not in great shape and his troops are exhausted, but they continue to 'put one foot in front of the other.' Lt. Lee Stockton (Ty Hardin) is already a surrogate son to the general, and leads the point platoon in more than one encounter. After a devastating second battle at the Shaduzup railhead, Merrill has no choice but to follow orders and command his men to proceed to yet a third objective, Myitkyina, to relieve British troops. Some of his men drop from exhaustion. Doctor Kolodny (Andrew Duggan) claims that the commander won't live to finish the trek, but Merrill pushes on.
Merrill's Marauders is a refreshingly straight combat film. Fuller populates his show with colorful characters, but by casting unfamiliar faces and stressing the tough reality of the mission over theatrics, he assembles a very modern show. Merrill's soldiers volunteered for one campaign and ended up taking three major objectives scattered over hundreds of miles of malaria-infested Burma. Fuller keeps the war movie clichés to a minimum -- his show has almost no broad comedy, and no sad sacks talking about buying the farm back home. The men bicker, but always on a practical plane: "Stay away from my ammo!" One napping soldier wakes up from an unhappy dream and barks out at his pal to, "Stay away from my girl!" The man in charge of the pack mule takes on the animal's load when it falls in exhaustion. Soldiers are called Bullseye (Peter James) and Chowhound (Will Hutchins) but their characters aren't reduced to the level of their nicknames. The closest the film comes to a Fuller-like character tirade is Taggy (Pancho Magalona), a Philippine soldier and interpreter who takes abuse from nobody and vows to destroy the Japanese tyrants.
Fuller's soldiers march, eat and fight, and do little else. Merrill reluctantly takes his orders from General Stilwell and then, as a good commander must, pushes his men beyond endurance. Ty Hardin's dedicated officer Stockton withdraws when Merrill is forced to make unreasonable demands on the men. Unlike later cynical films such as The Bridge at Remagen, the division must continually sacrifice not because some officer wants a medal, but because the job must be done, and nobody else is available to do it.
The fighting details are all Fuller. The assaults are quick and savage; the soldiers use smoke and grenades to soften up their targets but have to do much of the killing at close quarters. Desperate to take a major objective by surprise, Merrill has his men drop their packs, rush twenty miles and immediately engage in a pitched battle. Fuller stresses the utter exhaustion of it all, so much so that the Army (which provided much assistance) later complained that the film didn't have enough 'recruitment flavor.'
The theme of exhaustion takes over in the second half, when soldiers literally die in their tracks in mid-trek. One soldier can't resist retrieving food dropped by parachute, after Stockton determines that Japanese defenders are probably waiting in ambush. The scene compares favorably to a similar, rather strained setup in the later A Bridge Too Far. The general pushes on even when the doctor says he'll surely kill himself, and sure enough, just before the final assault Merrill keels over while exhorting his stricken troops to get on their feet. Stockton takes over, not as a hero but as a leader doing an unpopular, necessary job.
Even if war movies don't appeal, I recommend watching Merrill's Marauders to catch a sequence that's perhaps the most moving Fuller ever did. The troops take a railroad yard, engaging in a crazy-suicidal close combat in an Escher-like maze formed by concrete supports for oil tanks. Fuller's idea of showing confused Americans shooting each other in the chaos was struck down by the studio, a detail that supports the idea that most war films are indeed public relations tools for the Pentagon. After the fighting the men sprawl about asleep or in a stupor, too tired to eat or even move. Stockton has an intensely gentle scene with a wounded Burmese girl (Luz Valdez), who he carries to an aid station. Their interaction feels so honest, that we take it at face value. Some Burmese women and children approach the soldiers with food. One of them, Sgt. Kolowicz (Claude Akins) cries openly and silently as an old woman feeds him rice. Kolowicz reminds us of Sgt. Zack from The Steel Helmet, but with his defenses down. He's both grateful beyond words and seemingly ashamed for his role in the world's violence.
As Fuller explains in his colorful autobiography A Third Face, Jack Warner chopped off the script's bittersweet ending in favor of an irrelevant shot of soldiers marching on a parade ground. The cop-out finish is easy to ignore.
Fuller's career had many highlights after Merrill's Marauders but he lost some of his momentum working in TV and turning out critically lauded but relatively obscure pictures like The Naked Kiss. The gentle scenes in Merrill's shows that he could have made any kind of movie he wanted to, with a range wider than action films and topical shockers. If Jack Warner kept up his end of the deal Fuller might have proceeded right away to his dream project The Big Red One, instead having to wait twenty years and film it on a shoestring.
Warners' DVD of Merrill's Marauders is a beautiful enhanced transfer of the CinemaScope film, with great color. The only extra is an interesting trailer hosted by the film's technical advisor Lt. Colonel Sam Wilson, who served with General Merrill. Subtitles are provided in English and French. We're told that one of the battles is supplemented with stock footage from 1958's Battle Cry.
For more information about Merrill's Marauders, visit Warner Video. To order Merrill's Marauders, go to TCM Shopping
by Glenn Erickson
Merrill's Marauders - Jeff Chandler Stars in Samuel Fuller's MERRILL'S MARAUDERS on DVD
Merrill's Marauders may be director Sam Fuller's biggest studio
production, a large-scale war epic filmed on location in the
Philippines. Set on telling the story of his own infantry outfit in
North Africa and Europe, Fuller at first resisted Jack Warner's offer
to dramatize a campaign in a different theater of war. He signed on to
film the factual saga of one of the most honored 'provisional' combat
groups of WW2, with the 'promise' that The Big Red One would come
The movie isn't given enough credit in Sam Fuller's filmography,
probably because it doesn't showcase the director's flamboyant tabloid
sensibility. It's one of the best films about extreme combat
situations, and shows Fuller perfectly capable of doing well with
material not of his own devising. Merrill's Marauders is also
noted as the last film appearance of star Jeff Chandler, who weathered
the hostile shooting conditions only to fall, at age 42, to
complications from a botched surgery to repair a back problem.
Chandler was publicly mourned at the next year's Academy Awards,
before obituaries were a common theme of the ceremony.
Synopsis: Brigadier General Frank D. Merrill (Jeff Chandler) leads a
division of combat veterans across the Burma jungle to cut off supply
routes for the Japanese in Indochina. After a costly victory, the unit
waits to be disbanded, only to learn that the hard-pressed General
Stilwell (John Hoyt, in a dead ringer impersonation) needs them to
march hundreds of more miles to attack a second objective. Merrill is
not in great shape and his troops are exhausted, but they continue to
'put one foot in front of the other.' Lt. Lee Stockton (Ty Hardin) is
already a surrogate son to the general, and leads the point platoon in
more than one encounter. After a devastating second battle at the
Shaduzup railhead, Merrill has no choice but to follow orders and
command his men to proceed to yet a third objective, Myitkyina, to
relieve British troops. Some of his men drop from exhaustion. Doctor
Kolodny (Andrew Duggan) claims that the commander won't live to finish
the trek, but Merrill pushes on.
Merrill's Marauders is a refreshingly straight combat film.
Fuller populates his show with colorful characters, but by casting
unfamiliar faces and stressing the tough reality of the mission over
theatrics, he assembles a very modern show. Merrill's soldiers
volunteered for one campaign and ended up taking three major
objectives scattered over hundreds of miles of malaria-infested Burma.
Fuller keeps the war movie clichés to a minimum -- his show
has almost no broad comedy, and no sad sacks talking about buying the
farm back home. The men bicker, but always on a practical plane: "Stay
away from my ammo!" One napping soldier wakes up from an unhappy dream
and barks out at his pal to, "Stay away from my girl!" The man in
charge of the pack mule takes on the animal's load when it falls in
exhaustion. Soldiers are called Bullseye (Peter James) and Chowhound
(Will Hutchins) but their characters aren't reduced to the level of
their nicknames. The closest the film comes to a Fuller-like character
tirade is Taggy (Pancho Magalona), a Philippine soldier and
interpreter who takes abuse from nobody and vows to destroy the
Japanese tyrants.
Fuller's soldiers march, eat and fight, and do little else. Merrill
reluctantly takes his orders from General Stilwell and then, as a good
commander must, pushes his men beyond endurance. Ty Hardin's dedicated
officer Stockton withdraws when Merrill is forced to make unreasonable
demands on the men. Unlike later cynical films such as The Bridge
at Remagen, the division must continually sacrifice not because
some officer wants a medal, but because the job must be done, and
nobody else is available to do it.
The fighting details are all Fuller. The assaults are quick and
savage; the soldiers use smoke and grenades to soften up their targets
but have to do much of the killing at close quarters. Desperate to
take a major objective by surprise, Merrill has his men drop their
packs, rush twenty miles and immediately engage in a pitched battle.
Fuller stresses the utter exhaustion of it all, so much so that the
Army (which provided much assistance) later complained that the film
didn't have enough 'recruitment flavor.'
The theme of exhaustion takes over in the second half, when soldiers
literally die in their tracks in mid-trek. One soldier can't resist
retrieving food dropped by parachute, after Stockton determines that
Japanese defenders are probably waiting in ambush. The scene compares
favorably to a similar, rather strained setup in the later A Bridge
Too Far. The general pushes on even when the doctor says he'll
surely kill himself, and sure enough, just before the final assault
Merrill keels over while exhorting his stricken troops to get on their
feet. Stockton takes over, not as a hero but as a leader doing an
unpopular, necessary job.
Even if war movies don't appeal, I recommend watching Merrill's
Marauders to catch a sequence that's perhaps the most moving
Fuller ever did. The troops take a railroad yard, engaging in a
crazy-suicidal close combat in an Escher-like maze formed by concrete
supports for oil tanks. Fuller's idea of showing confused Americans
shooting each other in the chaos was struck down by the studio, a
detail that supports the idea that most war films are indeed public
relations tools for the Pentagon. After the fighting the men sprawl
about asleep or in a stupor, too tired to eat or even move. Stockton
has an intensely gentle scene with a wounded Burmese girl (Luz
Valdez), who he carries to an aid station. Their interaction feels so
honest, that we take it at face value. Some Burmese women and children
approach the soldiers with food. One of them, Sgt. Kolowicz (Claude
Akins) cries openly and silently as an old woman feeds him rice.
Kolowicz reminds us of Sgt. Zack from The Steel Helmet, but
with his defenses down. He's both grateful beyond words and seemingly
ashamed for his role in the world's violence.
As Fuller explains in his colorful autobiography A
Third Face, Jack Warner chopped off the script's bittersweet
ending in favor of an irrelevant shot of soldiers marching on a parade
ground. The cop-out finish is easy to ignore.
Fuller's career had many highlights after Merrill's Marauders
but he lost some of his momentum working in TV and turning out
critically lauded but relatively obscure pictures like The Naked
Kiss. The gentle scenes in Merrill's shows that he could
have made any kind of movie he wanted to, with a range wider than
action films and topical shockers. If Jack Warner kept up his end of
the deal Fuller might have proceeded right away to his dream project
The Big Red One, instead having to wait twenty years and film
it on a shoestring.
Warners' DVD of Merrill's Marauders is a beautiful enhanced
transfer of the CinemaScope film, with great color. The only extra is
an interesting trailer hosted by the film's technical advisor Lt.
Colonel Sam Wilson, who served with General Merrill. Subtitles are
provided in English and French. We're told that one of the battles is
supplemented with stock footage from 1958's Battle Cry.
For more information about Merrill's Marauders, visit Warner Video. To order
Merrill's Marauders, go to
TCM Shopping
by Glenn Erickson
Bannister, Merrill's Aide de camp, was played by Lt. Col. Samuel Vaughan Wilson (credited as Vaughan Wilson), who was actually one of "Merrill's Marauders" and a survivor of the campaign.
A recurring character name in Fuller's films.
Location scenes filmed in the Philippines. The working title of this film is The Marauders.